Every month we are featuring local bad ass ladies who inspire us. These women are just amazing and unique in their own way and they are doing big things in Jersey City. I feel really lucky to be surrounded by these women who consistently push me to be better. Show them some love and get […]
Jersey City Locals: Yvonne
With our #JCLocals interviews, we hope to highlight the perspectives of different residents in the area, especially those who have explored the city or have seen it change over the years as longtime residents. Our third JC Local is Yvonne, a 30-year-old Jersey City native who also works as a nanny in the area. As […]
Artists of Jersey City-February
This month’s roundup of artists is a mix of illustrators and photographers, each with their own preferred method of creating and sharing art. Are you a visual artist interested in participating, or are there artists you’d specifically like us to reach out to? Let us know: editor@chicpeajc.com. Kierstan Craft What is your medium and why? […]
County Prep Music Department
I have a special place in my heart for the creative youth; growing up as a teenager I was interested in all things creative and I never felt like I had someone to look up to. In my high school there weren’t many creative classes where I could feed my needs. And now, it’s my […]
Jonathan Casillas, Super Bowl Champ and Founder of Jade’s Garden
Tomorrow night at Zeppelin Hall I am hosting the next Cannagather Networking online pharmacy cellcept buy with best prices today in the USA Event. The Future of Athtletics: Cannabis and Entrepreneurship with special guest 2x Super Bowl champ, Jonathan Casillas. Officially retiring from the NFL in 2018 Jonathan wanted to continue to help others, so […]
Women of JC
In the last few years, I really feel like things are changing and moving forward for the women equality movement, we definitely have a long way to go but I am confident that in the next 5-10 Years women will take over in all industries. We are getting stronger and stronger and I am here […]
I Don’t Know What It’s Like To Be You
The following is an anonymous piece by a local teen discussing their experience working and supporting their family at a young age. If I had a dollar for every time I felt like my efforts weren’t good enough, I could probably solve all of my problems. I’m from the South side of the city, where […]
Carlos Lejnieks, CEO of Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Hudson County
Big Brothers and Big Sisters online pharmacy buy amaryl without prescription with best prices today in the USA is an amazing organization that pairs adult volunteers with children in need of mentoring and support. For over 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has worked toward providing children with the ability to succeed and thrive in life. […]
Babes of JC December
Can you guys believe it’s already been a year since we started Babes of JC?! That’s right, an entire year of babes! With that said, this month’s babes of JC is a little extra special because we’ll be doing a poll and would love for you guys to vote your favorite babe of JC. The […]
Photographer Alissa Laurie
I met Alissa last year when she joined our first JCAST exhibit “Send Nudes,” where she showcased some of her photographs. Alissa is a born and raised Jersey City girl who is paving the way for local female artists in the photography scene. Last week, I had the opportunity to work with her and the […]
44 Celebrities from Jersey City
In Jersey City, we’ve had a bunch of celebrities and public figures born and raised here or even just living here for a few years. Here’s a bunch you may or may not have known about! 1. Martha Stewart View this post on Instagram A post shared by Martha Stewart (@marthastewart48) Martha Stewart is a […]
Lauren Humm Fakete
Lauren has been our arts and culture contributor for quite some time and as an artist herself it was time to dedicate a post to all the great work she does. We are so thankful to have her our team! What’s your name? Lauren Humm Fakete. What do you do? I’m a Renaissance woman, I’m […]
Johrell the Star Child
I’ve always had an affinity for writing about young local artists since I started ChicpeaJC. There is a movement happening with the next generation, they are doing what they are set out to do. They are going after their passions and talents despite what society expects. Breaking the mold to how things were when I […]
#JCLocals: Vanessa
JC Locals is all about using our platform to share the different perspectives of Jersey City residents, whether they’ve lived here for 3 years or 30 years. Our next JC Local is Vanessa Cabrera, a 26-year-old Jersey City native who has lived in different neighborhoods in the city throughout her life. We had the chance to […]
Coach Lamar McKnight
online pharmacy buy neurontin no prescription Coach Lamar McKnight has been on my radar for quite some time. He’s a local quarterback performance coach, a teacher, a mentor, and an athlete. I love following him on social media. He always shares words of encouragement, and spreads light and love even to people like myself who […]
Golden Winny
The one thing about music that people can’t deny is it holds memories. Hearing one of Selena Gomez’s first song brings me back to my elementary school ages. Listening to punk rock brings me to my emo phase in middle school. Ironically it was a performing arts school. Which is where I met a good friend and rapper […]
Babes of JC – September Edition
Well, well, well what do you know, it’s ALREADY SEPTEMBER! Which means it’s already fall, Halloween and Terminal of Terror are around the corner, and the weather is about to change. If the drop in temperatures has you less than excited, don’t fear! We have the September babes of JC here! Keep reading to learn about […]
John V. Salierno- Attorney at Law
John Salierno of Salierno Law is a local attorney that specializes in real estate litigation. He represented and counseled hundreds of tenants facing eviction on almost every ground, he has also recovered money judgments for tenants for the return of security deposits, illegal lockouts, wrongful evictions, and rent over-payments. Basically anything that involves landlord and […]
JABB Group- Transform Your Business, Transform Your Life
With the fast pace of life, some of us could use a little bit of help or guidance with getting back on track with focusing on our well-being. We tend to get in our heads, get stuck on the stressors in life, and maybe even lose control of our lives by taking on more than […]
Guest Post: The Pride of JC Youth
The following is a guest post by Jorge Mallory, a gay teen living in Jersey City. I didn’t choose to be gay, I just got lucky. Being gay is a very interesting lifestyle, especially in the 21st century. You never really know if you are gay or not until you really truly know yourself, which […]
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