Want to know what I was doing when I was 16? so do I!! Definitely not as much as this young lady; Miss Gina Piersanti; High School student, indie actress, artist and amateur ukulele player. I heard about Gina after interviewing her father – Jersey City artist – Robert Piersanti. After seeing Gina’s room and […]
Esme is my first stylish kiddo! Ever since I started ChicpeaJC I’ve been seeing this little guy around town. His father Napoleon was actually one of my first stylish peeps; wearing a fab Hawaiian shirt that only he could pull off. It’s no wonder Esme is so stylish! with both parents running one of my favorite […]
A Sound Start
I grew up most of my life outside of the US, and I always thought that American parents sometimes went a little overboard putting their babies into all these classes…. the baby just popped out of your lady bits, do you think he/she is ready to learn japanese?? I digress…. While pregnant with Mia I was […]
Tiny Greenhouse
My little one takes an art class at the Tiny Greenhouse here in Jersey City. Mia is only 21 months old, and before signing her up I thought to myself “only in America do you send a toddler that barely talks to art class..” seat your kid at a table with a bunch of crayons […]
Bambino Chef- Guest Post!
online pharmacy female-cialis for sale no prescription pharmacy I have been a huge fan of Bambino chef since they first opened in Jersey City. Bambino chef teaches kids between the ages of 4-12 how to cook, healthy eating, creativity , focus, concentration and an appreciation for food…. most importantly they have a blast doing it! […]
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