By Via Rutkowski

It was a rainy December night when I splashed my way over to Danielle’s cozy downtown healing space to sit down and chat. We were ready to do a deep dive into her practice as she revealed insight into the connections between energy healing, science, and spirituality. Back in 2021, I visited Danielle for the first time after coming off of the rollercoaster that was 2020. I was feeling shaken and unbalanced after a whirlwind of changes. I had been doing the work, reading books, talking with therapists, and experimenting with meditation and yoga. I tried it all yet felt like I needed a bit of an extra nudge to clear this energetic blockage I felt inside that was preventing me from stepping into this new chapter of life.
I had been on a kick of inspirational podcasts when I stumbled across one about energy healing. The hosts went into great depth about Reiki, mind-body connection, and quantum physics, with scientific evidence to match. They specifically went on and on about Reiki which I had heard of but never experienced for myself. So my inner detective kicked in as I began researching, watching videos, and reading reviews all over the internet about this incredible Eastern practice. When I finally made the move to book an appointment for myself, one simple Google search landed me in the hands of Danielle Marie, a top-rated Reiki Master in the area who specializes in working exclusively with women. I felt such a connection with Danielle and her work that I wanted to share her story in hopes that it will touch someone else who also needs this type of healing in their life!
Now, you may be wondering, “Why am I suddenly hearing a lot more about healing practices like this?”. It’s no surprise that humans have changed a lot in the last few years. A lot of us have been left feeling great loss from the pandemic. We were all touched by a collective trauma and people are finally re-awakening to the idea of alternative solutions. We realized that many old ways of doing things simply weren’t working. We want change and have learned that the “traditional” route may not be a fit for everyone. Healing is never one-size-fits-all. While energy healing and metaphysical wellness have been around for centuries, the awareness around these practices is becoming more and more popular. According to Danielle, “People are finally starting to realize the undeniable mind-body connection.” She added “We’ve gotten to a place in our recent human evolution where people are beginning to accept that the root of many emotional and physical problems is energetic. I say ‘recent’ because our ancestors knew about this. So it’s as though we’re making our way back to this holistic approach to wellness.”
So what does a healing session with Danielle Marie Reiki look like? Keep reading as she tells us all about what to expect, understand, and take into consideration before you walk through her doors.

Did you find Reiki or did Reiki find you? Tell me all about how we are sitting here today!
“I suffered from panic attacks for YEARS. The anxiety was just crippling at times. I tried all the ‘traditional’ remedies, including medications and therapy, but nothing helped. It was when I was at my lowest point that I got an intuitive knowing that I needed to seek healing on an energetic level. Once I did, within months my panic attacks completely disappeared. I experimented with various metaphysical modalities but was especially impressed with how impactful Reiki was for me. I connected so deeply to the practice that I eventually became a Reiki Master. The rest is history. It is now my deepest honor to use these gifts to serve others.”
You have touched the lives of many people with your work. Do you have a special moment with a client that sticks out to you?
“There’s something new that blows my mind every day. I have one client that named her baby after me, and another client who regained diminished eyesight after our sessions. But the little unsolicited text messages and emails that I get almost daily from clients thanking me reaffirm this calling. Being a part of so many people’s positive life changes is overwhelming in the most beautiful way.
What are some of the common reasons people come to see you?
“I’ve seen people for everything under the sun; anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, loss of creativity, lack of direction, cancer, fertility, body pain, insomnia, guilt, anger management, communication, skills, relationship issues or simply to maintain wellness. There are more reasons but that is just a general picture. Energy work can help with just about anything, but the real indicator of how impactful the healing will be is if the client is truly ready to heal.”
How can one indicate if they are “ready to heal”?
“It’s important to remember that Reiki is not magic. And it will not be much help for someone who repeatedly engages in toxic thinking or behaviors with no commitment to grow. I believe it comes in for people when they’re at a certain point on their path where they are ready to receive these upgrades. It’s kind of like a software update in many ways when the person is ready to ‘level up’. They need to want to heal for that portal to even open and they have to be ready to become mindful of egoic patterns and fear-based thoughts and how those are playing out in the practical. I have people reach out all the time saying; ‘I feel blocked’ or ‘Something feels off and I think I need a clearing of some kind’. They just intuitively felt guided to make that call. It’s how I found Reiki myself. I believe that when Reiki is meant to enter your life, you will heed that call. While ALL people can benefit from energy work, there is a sweet spot. An individual who is in a place where they are truly ready to grow will get the most out of it. What many people don’t realize is that healing occurs from within. I don’t heal anybody, I merely guide them into the process.”

Can you explain more about the science behind energy work?
“People who are just learning about energy healing often wonder how it works. People wonder if it’s just ‘woo-woo’ or if there’s a more scientific way to explain it. And I love that. People should be skeptics. Their time, money, and energy are valuable and should be handled with care. To understand the science behind all this we must start with the basics. Humans are made up of 99.9999999% space. Yes, space. A bunch of moving protons, electrons, and neutrons vibrating at a certain frequency. We’re essentially energetic holograms appearing as solid matter. The vibrational frequency of matter can be influenced or altered. That is the fundamental explanation of the mechanics of energy work. The field that bridges the gap between science and spirituality is quantum physics. Look into the observer theory, string theory, or quantum entanglement. It’s important to recognize the science that enables the possibility of energy healing. Even grounding is scientific. When we come into contact with the earth, free electrons neutralize the excess free radicals in our bodies. It’s similar to what a grounding wire does for electronics. Crystals and sound healing are also examples of effective modalities because of the vibrational frequencies they emit. When in close proximity to your body, they can alter your vibrational state.”
Is this also how Reiki works? Can you explain what Reiki is for those who don’t know?
“Reiki is a specific energy healing technique, developed in Japan in the early 1900s. It’s essentially a channeling of high vibrational energy (Ki / Chi) into the client’s body which serves to push out and replace the dense lower vibrational energies that have accumulated, thus re-opening energetic pathways, allowing for a greater flow of Ki to reach all of the vital organs and ‘chakras’. Its underlying principle is very similar to acupuncture. Chakras are energy centers that run down the meridian of the body. Over time they can become congested with accumulations of dense energies stemming from stress, etc. This decreases organ functioning as ‘Ki’ is not able to flow freely. The flood of high vibrational energy into chakras breaks up congestion in the energy field, moving ‘stuck’ energy and restoring the free flow of Ki throughout the body. As a result, the body can now heal itself under optimal conditions.”
How do you begin the process of a healing session with a client?
“First, we need to check in with the client to see where they are emotionally and understand their intentions for the session. I also recognize that not everyone is particularly spiritual so I try to meet each person where they are and use an approach and phrasing that will resonate. It’s not a one-size-fits-all therapy. How the session flows is unique to each client. Through this discussion, I might find obvious thought patterns that need rewiring. In most people, there is at least some shift of perspective needed. One of the most profound things I’ve learned in my studies is that healing is simply a change in perspective. Reiki doesn’t immediately change the outside world, but rather it changes the way you respond to it. And when you make that shift and change your perspective, and thus, your energetic state, the outside world begins to reflect that back to you. When you shift from lower vibrational (fear-based) emotions such as anger or frustration, into higher vibrational (love-based) emotions such as gratitude and optimism your outer world begins to reflect circumstances that match those vibrations. This is the basis for manifestation. And it can’t be done inorganically through suppression, but rather by truly moving through your emotions. Emotions are energy in motion. A healthy practice to transmute suffering is bringing uncomfortable emotions into full awareness, sitting with them, moving through them, and eventually releasing them. Moving through them is key… we must build that pathway to forgiveness and acceptance.”
How are you able to detect these subconscious thoughts?
“Fear-based thoughts and behaviors are easy for me to detect because after a while you begin to notice the same ego traps. When you’ve worked with enough people it starts to become predictable; both the problem and the solution. This is good because it allows me to streamline the session and make it as efficient and impactful as possible. I’ve been told by multiple clients that one session with me was more helpful than years of therapy. I humbly receive that feedback because it’s not about me, it’s about the right approach. I believe that so much of the suffering of our human experience could be avoided if people were more mindful of when they (or others) are operating from their ego instead of their higher self, and likewise, when they’re engaging in fear-based behaviors. I can tell you this with certainty; nothing good is ever born of fear or ego. The ego is like an internal defense mechanism to protect you from perceived threats. Most of the time the fear is hidden in the client’s subconscious and is built upon some conditioning or trauma. It’s like that saying ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’. Once the client becomes aware of it, it’s like this major ‘ah-ha’ moment. And they can observe the emotions that are being funded by fear. It’s like a 12-step program in some ways. Step 1 is to recognize the problem and work from there. By the way, I use ‘fear’ as a general term, because in my framework there is only fear and love. Anything we consider ‘negative’ (for example anxiety, jealousy, and anger) can all be traced back to an underlying fear origin. Dislodging subconscious fear and allowing it into conscious awareness is deeply healing by itself. Then we deconstruct and reframe those fear-based scripts.”

Can you give an example of this?
“Sure, so let’s take, for example, a client who refers to themselves as a ‘people pleaser’. When I hear this, I know that people-pleasing is a fear-based trauma response where one adapts their behavior to do what they think others want from them, holding back their own opinions, desires, and boundaries to avoid conflict or rejection. Most of the time this is news to them. They thought they were being helpful by catering to everyone around them but are actually contributing to their own detriment. Once we examine the thoughts behind the behaviors, their perspective begins to shift. Doing this is just as important as the actual hands-on healing since they are going to need to make some life changes to shift their experience. This is also a throat chakra-related trauma so many times they complain of physical issues related to the throat that will need to be worked on during the hands-on part of the session. I then gently invite them to explore healthier behaviors and provide some situation-specific guidance. The ultimate goal is for them to gain more confidence, and feel more comfortable articulating their needs, opinions, and boundaries as they step into their most authentic self. But we start with small wins! Even something as simple as posture can change their whole vibe.”
What are some other ways that you have seen energy work help people?
“I have seen these sessions work miracles for fertility clients. Most of the women that come in for fertility issues have already been through the wringer with testing and are aware of where they stand from a medical perspective. At this point, we need to make sure they are healthy from an energetic perspective. Many of them step into the session feeling frustrated and hopeless. This mindset affects the ability to conceive. When you’re stressed, you’re in a chronic fight or flight state sending signals to your body (through your adrenals and hormones) that it is not a safe time for you to conceive. This shuts down your reproductive system. Your body thinks you’re being chased or attacked. We need to biologically show our bodies we are ready. How is this achieved? By shifting out of the toxic cortisol state and into a highly fertile state of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. Think of the feeling of falling in love or petting an adorable puppy. The delicious cocktail of hormones released during those times is what we’re aiming for. There are ways and techniques on how to achieve this but I just wanted to give you a general idea. I also see many people living in a state of resistance. My favorite author, Eckhart Tolle says ‘Leave a situation, change a situation or accept it… all else is madness.’ People can take actionable steps to remove themselves from toxic situations, but many times they are held back by fear. So we need to unpack that and give them perspective on how they can bravely move forward. Another favorite author, Neale Donald Walsch, says ‘life begins at the end of your comfort zone’. The road won’t always be easy, but the temporary discomfort of taking love-based actions can tremendously improve your life situation and bring you back into alignment with your true nature. Ok, getting back to the original question! I spoke earlier about the mind-body connection. I truly believe you can ‘will’ yourself into illness and likewise, will yourself into wellness. Of course, this mostly happens on a subconscious level that’s why it’s a good idea to have an energy worker or therapist help guide you. I love working with anxiety clients because I know how hard that can be, but I also know there’s a way out. Most of those people are drenched in fear, like a sponge at full saturation. The mindset work, along with the hands-on clearing is a game changer for them.”
How long do the results of Reiki last?
“I do think it’s important to note that while Reiki is a very powerful and relaxing modality, in my opinion, it’s only one piece of the puzzle in long-term healing. Lasting wellness is so much more than simply receiving a clearing. It’s really about being committed to improving your situation, and your mindset, and being ready to bring awareness to thoughts and behaviors that aren’t serving you. When new clients ask how long the after-effects of Reiki will last, I always give the analogy of bringing your car to the car wash. Are you going to drive it through mud immediately afterward or take care of it? It depends on the client’s self-care habits. So ensuring that they are armed with tools going forward is essential. The cool thing is that because Reiki works in the quantum plane and is not bound by the laws of physics, it doesn’t require frequent visits like other therapies so clients can go for months or even years before they feel like they need another session. In fact, for certain people, one session was all they needed to make a life-changing shift.”

Last but not least, there’s no denying that you are one of the top-rated energy healers in the area! Why do you think you are so successful in this practice?
“Many clients have told me that they appreciate how relatable I am. I hold a safe space for people to be vulnerable and share without judgment. The simple act of sharing and being witnessed in your pain can be extremely cathartic. The feedback that I do give is either channeled or pulled from a spiritual perspective, which helps to reframe ‘problems’ into opportunities for growth. For example, if a client has experienced a series of seemingly unfortunate events and has become entrenched in a victim mentality I gently awaken them to the knowledge that our most difficult obstacles and tragedies can also be our greatest teachers. There is much more to this but essentially, where learning has occurred, there is a great value. For me, the most important thing is not letting any client walk away thinking that they are broken or that something is wrong with them. We are all divine beings working through our human experiences.”
To book an appointment with Danielle you can visit her website! You can also follow along with her on Instagram for more!
Thank you so much for interviewing me Via, and Lynn for including this in your blog. Im so grateful! <3
Hello I am interested in making an appointment for services.
Hi Denise, to make an appointment you’ll need to visit Danielle’s website and contact her directly. Thanks!