Have you ever been on a date and it just absolutely sucked? Same here! Not only is a first date already daunting but it makes everything so much worse when the other person is just completely checking off all the boxes of what NOT to do!
Statistically, 3 percent of first dates eventually turn into marriages. With the odds already super slim, here are 5 bad habits to avoid, making sure you aren’t *that* annoying person on a date!

Yup. I’m sure you saw this one coming. Texting while you are on a date is a huge no-no. Not only is this rude, but it is also incredibly misleading. Texting while on a first date specifically makes people feel like you are uninterested. If you are interested and you are texting, then you are sending a signal that could push that person away.
Canceling last minute
Things happen all the time, this we can all understand. But imagine if you are scheduled for a date in 5 minutes and then get that text that says, “Can’t make it, let’s reschedule.” As a woman, I can say that it takes us an hour (or more) to do our hair, make up, and pick out an outfit. The last thing you want to do is have us ready with nowhere to go. Be mindful of the time; if you know you won’t be able to make it, at least give her an hour to thirty minutes of notice.
Asking your date to go Dutch
This goes without saying… yet I found it important enough to say. Please don’t ask your date to go Dutch. This is not the time to penny pitch. If you are the one inviting someone out for a date, then when the tab comes, it is up to you to handle it. The last thing you want is for your date to think you are cheap.
Tipping poorly

We all know times are tough, but there is no excuse to go out and tip poorly to someone who is just there doing their job. There are so many cheap, fun and creative date night options that can be done at home, in the park, and free events (click here for things to do over the weekend).
Not caring about your appearance
What’s so fun about going out on dates is looking your absolute best and being able to make a good first impression on a total stranger. The last thing you want is to appear like someone who just rolled out of bed. Get the haircut, trim your nails, wear your best outfit, and break in those new shoes! After spending over a year indoors because of COVID, there is no excuse to not want to look your best on a date. The time is now to show your date what your made of.
Bonus: Talking about your past relationships
Whatever you do, don’t talk about your past while on first dates. This will create a bad impression and will leave your date thinking that you are not over your ex or just plain out toxic! Let the past go and focus on the present moment.
Do you have more tips to avoid during a first date? Send them my way! Email me at: jenniferleon376@gmail.com
Have any suggestions for a next article? DM me on Instagram: @jen_leon_
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