I chopped off my hair yesterday. Do you care? Probably not, but I am going to talk about this significant moment anyway.
A few weeks ago, I came out and essentially killed “ChicpeaJC” – My name is Lynn Hazan. I made a decision to no longer live and work for others, and to lead life authentically and for myself. To do things that make ME happy and in turn will make me a better writer, mother, business owner and human being. It’s working.
My whole life, I’ve hidden behind my hair. My thick black hair has been a huge source of stress, pretty much all my life. I love it, I hate it, I can’t live without it.
I was conditioned (by society, family, etc) to think that long hair = femininity, that long hair was sexy and made me more womanly. The idea of cutting it all off would make me shudder. Any time a stylist would say”You would look so cute with a bob haircut,” I would lash out. It was like I was Samson and if you cut my hair off, I will lose all my powers, or people would actually SEE me. I will lose my sexiness, my femininity.
It’s just fucking hair. It’s absurd to even think that a haircut defines YOU. I let it define me.
A few weeks ago, I saw a photo on one of those Inspo accounts of a beautiful woman with a short bob cut and bangs. I was in awe at her confidence and beauty, incredibly sexy, effortlessly chic. I said to myself, “I want that.” But realized I would never have the balls to go through with it.
Then I saw the photo again a few days ago. It was a sign.
I sent the photo to our Barbers of Hudson County host, Steven Torres who also owns The Spesh Salon in Hoboken and an incredible hair stylist and he said, “Let’s do it.”
I laughed. “No way.”
Then I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Things don’t change if you don’t change.
I needed a change. I’ve been feeling so heavy with all this hair, like it’s been weighing me down. In the last 3 years, I’ve been through so much; a divorce, my business constantly changing, failures, wins, a fucking pandemic, so much personal/emotional work and growth. All this hair was just dragging me down. I felt it. I had enough. I needed to just let go. Let go of the years of pain that have been holding me back.
Sandra Bullock said in an interview once after she cut her hair, “My life is changing so fast, It’s funny. I feel like my hair was there to help me hide. I hide behind my hair.” She added, “When I did cut it, I went, ‘Oh, OK, that’s me. I can be this person now.’ It’s all about the hair.”
I posted the Inspo photo yesterday on my instagram and Steven responded, “Let’s do it now, bring me a juice.”
Sometimes you just have to say “fuck it.” As I ordered his juice to-go, my palms started sweating. I was shaky and overcome with anxiety.
Who am I without my long black luscious hair? Who am I?
When I got to Spesh, I was sweating profusely not because it was 100 degrees, but because I was about to do something scary. I felt like I was about to jump off a cliff. It was bad.
I sat in Steven’s chair and he calmed me down, he told me everything a woman who is about to make a life changing decision wants to hear.
“You’re beautiful.”
It’s just hair right? It will grow back. I can always wear a wig or get extensions, I told myself.
He started chopping it and it was emotional. I started crying and sort of having a mini panic attack. Steven had to stop and ask me if I was ok. I nodded while holding back the tears.
“Lynn, who are you without your long hair?”
And then I just let it go. It was done, there was no turning back now. I went into the zone, and tried to enjoy the moment. We joked, listened to beats. As he was cutting my hair, I felt more and more weight and negativity fall off my shoulders. Fucking poetic. The whole thing.
And then, I was free.
It took some time but after the initial shock, not only did I feel confident, sexy and feminine, I felt light and airy. I felt like I was re-born.
These past few years, I’ve been working so hard to reconnect with my true authentic self after being so consumed with what I thought I needed to be, how I needed to be, and what I needed to look like. This was the last missing piece. I finally looked like ME.
The hair matched the energy, my growth, my funky fashion sense, my personality, my heart.
My name is Lynn Hazan.
“A Woman Who Cuts Her Hair Is About To Change Her Life” – Coco Chanel
I love this piece! Thanks for sharing it and it is so true for many other women too! You look beautiful!
Love your story, Lynn. Thank you for always being so vulnerable and sharing. It’s really rad to watch you evolve these last few months. I secretly feel like we are connected somewhere….maybe in the stars.✨
When you announced that Chickpea was dead last month, I was beginning the journey of rebranding my Sign Language Interpreting agency, that I have my name attached to like it’s all about me, its not authentic and it isn’t me. I’ve since been working with various deaf community members, clients and contractors to see what THEY want.. Right now we are working on offering PD workshops and a BIPOC and DeafBlind interpreter mentorships. It’s been a fun exploration thus far and I’m excited too see all the foundational changes that this rebrand brings.
I also had decided to chop my hair off this week, after my dad died last week. I knew that I was carrying around the past that wasn’t serving me anymore. It was time to stop hiding and let it ALL go. So I shaved my head! And I too know that this is ME, I am the creator, I am the ONE.
We don’t know each-other but I appreciate knowing that someone else in this world is going through some of the same life transformations that I am. Thank you for being you, I’m excited to continue to watch you evolve sister! ROCK ON
Today I woke up so stressed, felt like something was weighing me down. I washed my hair, went into town to buy a detangling product, but I just wasn’t feeling ME. At 10pm, Namibian standard time, now, I literally cut it all off and now I feel so, I don’t know. Emotional, extraordinary, like I am on top of the world. I have so much energy and I didn’t know that taking hair off could do that.
After that I found myself on google, typing in “short hairstyles0 2021,” so I can go have it properly done tomorrow. Then typed “what does it mean when a girl cuts her hair?” and came across this site. Yes I chopped it off myself and it came out pretty good. Lynn I have been making changes in my life, but now I am fully embracing it and I do feel re-born just like you said. It is a whole new awesome FUCKING feeling. I love it and I finally get why the day was hard on me.
My Dad was born on 18 March, my brother was born on 19 March and they both passed away. I don’t know how I am going to take next month, but I know today was hard because of the day it represents, but oh, wow, it was so therapeutic while doing it. I am soaring with them. Their presence filled the room as I was getting my new hairstyle and I knew I was doing the right thing.
I have never felt so light and magnificent.
Great work Lynn.