JCAST is still going on today and some exhibits will be open throughout the month. For more info go to http://thejcast.com online pharmacy buy reglan online no prescription pharmacy
Shuster Presents: City Nights Block Party Recap
Last night, I attended the first annual City Nights block party – a FREE chic, adult-only event with live music, live artists, local food and drink vendors, and games and activities. This event was historic in nature, as it introduced the first ever Electric Car Sharing Program on the East Coast! Greenspot has developed 19 curbside […]
Terminal of Terror
A few months ago, we were looking for venues to throw a big Halloween event. With no luck, we almost forgot the whole idea. One morning, I got an email from Dancing Tony (Rock-It Docket), who connected me with one of the partners at RDG Restaurant Group (Satis, Raval, Lucky 7’s), and they mentioned they […]
Shuster Group Presents: City Nights Block Party Event
This Thursday, Oct. 6th, enjoy a night out in the Heart of Jersey City. From 7 PM to 10 PM at 148-160 First Street, stop by for a historic event: the City Nights Block Party. City Nights is a FREE chic, adult-only event with live music, live artists, local food and drink vendors, and games and […]
Alan Walker
I never really know what to expect when I walk into the home of someone I am about to interview. Sometimes, things are very simple, the interview is easy and straight to the point. I get to know them, take a bunch of photos, give them a hug goodbye, and that is the end of […]
#LSCAfterDark: Zombtoberfest
The last LSC After Dark event was a blast! There was a great turnout, with everyone gathering to enjoy the volcanic eruptions and dance with the LSC dinosaur. LSC is back at it again on October 20th online pharmacy buy amoxil online no prescription pharmacy , and this month is all about zombies! Bring your friends to this after-hours […]
Shut Up and Listen Pt. 4 Photos
Here are some photos from our last quiet event. It was a blast! Thanks to everyone who came to have fun with us. We thought this would be our last… Surprise! We’re having another one on October 8th at Transmission and tickets are now available. We’ll have live Art by Veratwins Art, free iceys all night, […]
Terminal of Terror @ CRRNJ
In case you haven’t heard by now, ChicpeaJC & Hayoner, in collaboration with RDG Restaurant Group (owners of Raval, Satis, Lucky 7’s) Premiere Vibes Entertainment and Allure Events Consultants are transforming the historic Central Railroad of NJ into The Terminal of Terror on Saturday, October 29th. We’ve made a few updates since our last post, so […]
String Theory at HudsonPLAY Recap
On September 27th, String Theory held another information session about their school, this time at HudsonPLAY on Brunswick Street. Parents and children alike were invited to participate and attend. Parents brought their children to play as they heard Jason Corosanite explain the mission behind String Theory Schools and Education. Videos were played of students’ testimonials in […]
Chicpea’s Top 6 Places to Get Coffee
1. Angel Azul Bakery Cafe The cafe con leche at Angel Azul Bakery in the heights is what dreams are made of. I don’t get this coffee as often as I would like, it’s more like a once-in-a-while treat then a morning ritual but it’s definitely one my favorites and it’s also only $1.25! It has […]
Do Not Call Me Sweetheart
I never really write posts where I express my thoughts or flat out vent on shit I have to deal with as a woman, as a mom, as a business owner…as a female business owner. This blog is about Jersey City and all the wonderful things that happen here. This blog is not about me. […]
Breanna Gutierrez
When I hear people of my age group (30-40) talk negatively about the younger generation of today, saying things like “The younger people are self consumed because of social media, have no aspirations,and have a sense of entitlement,” I get angry and tell them to read my blog, particularly the stories covering the young artists […]
ChicpeaJC is Looking for New Contributors!
ChicpeaJC is looking for new and fresh content, and we’re looking for passionate Jersey City locals to contribute! You’re only required to contribute one article a month. Please have some sort of writing experience and social media presence, as well as being able to take good photos. If you have access to a camera, that’s […]
It’s no secret that I have a major sweet tooth. Dessert is definitely my favorite meal of the day! I first tried Baonanas, homemade banana pudding made in Jersey City, at Project Eats over the summer. After the first bite, I was in love and ended up polishing the whole thing even though I was […]
Golden Door International Film Festival
Last night, I attended the Golden Door International Film Festival at the Historical Loew’s Theatre. It was actually my first time attending the Film Festival and my first time at the Loew’s. It was a night for the books! For the occasion, I decided to channel my old Hollywood self and got dolled up for the event. […]
LSC After Dark: Dancing with Volcanoes Recap
September 15th marked the second After Dark event hosted by Liberty Science Center and it was unbelievable. We had a great turn out with lots of people making it a night to remember. This time, the theme was “Dancing with Volcanoes.” The LSC team built a 14 ft. tall volcano right in front of a […]
String Theory Session 2 – Recap
Just a couple of weeks ago, String Theory held an information session at The Brightside Tavern, and it was a huge success! In order to give parents another opportunity to get to know String Theory Schools and Education, they held another session on Tuesday the 13th. We had a smaller group come out, but it […]
The Hair Room JC
It is no secret that The Hair Room JC is part of my official “Glam Squad,” I probably see them atleast once a week to get my hair done for all my events. I’ve been friends with Anatalie, girl boss of the Hair Room JC since before she even had a salon. Anatalie is a […]
The HDSID 6th Annual All About Downtown Street Fair Recap
The ChicpeaJC x HayOner crew was at the HDSID All About Downtown Street Fair this year, and it was so much fun! Thanks to all the volunteers and everyone who stopped by! From Jersey City t-shirts to free bubbles for kids, we had hundreds of visitors throughout the day, and it was a success. We […]
ChicpeaJCxHayoner Booth at the All About Downtown Street Fair
The 2016 All About Downtown Street Fair is right around the corner and ChicpeaJC, in collaboration with HayOner, will be there with a booth sponsored by qplum! Last year was a hit, so pass by and have some fun with us. We’ll have qplum, an online wealth management service, at our booth to talk about their company and […]
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