If you live in Downtown Jersey City, you’ve probably seen Venus and Lizzy. For a year now I have been secretly crushing on these sisters, they are so stylish, unique and they are always dressed like they are about to jump on a stage. I would see them walking around with their dogs, either in short shorts and crop tops or their signature cat suits and they are FEIRCE!!! When they agreed to be on my “Stylish JC Peeps” blog post , I literally did the running man.
We met in Van Vorst Park, I spotted them a mile away in their insane outfits. They looked amazing! The thing is, their personality makes them even sexier. They are both so nice, friendly and really fun to talk to…. could they be my new bff’s? haha
What are your names? “I’m Venus, and I’m Lizzy… we are the Big Hair Girls…”
What do you guys do for a living? “We do a little bit of everything, we have our own pet care company that we own and operate out of Downtown Jersey City but we are also musicians so that is our real heart and soul”
What kind of music? “
EDM, Electro dance with some hip hop influence. The name of the group is Big Hair Girls”
What are you wearing? “We are both wearing custom-made catsuits made for US by US. BHG couture! We make a lot of our own clothes, so if you see us in any crazy get ups …. our catsuit is our uniform so if you ever see us in one, we made it. Lizzy is wearing the Osiris kicks, and I am wearing Iron fist”
What are you listening to? “We’ve been listening to a lot of hip hop: YG, Drake, M.I.A, Santogold, Nine Inch Nails…. We like rock , hip hop, dance…”
Are you guys twins? “No we are just sisters! and we have one other sister too”
Is she also in BHG? “No she isn’t, but she is our biggest supporter”
What is your favorite Jersey City hangout spot? “We love food and there are so many awesome places to eat in Jersey City. We are a big fan of Carmen Rosa Bakery a dominican bakery on 2nd and Coles. They are awesome, they have an amazing Tres Leches and great canolis funny enough. We also love Taqueria Viva Mexico on Sussex streets, we have a special place in our heart for it, its family owned and its amazing, the tres leches cake there is also amazing! We are big sugar heads (what female isn’t?!) . We love Torico’s ice-cream as well for that reason. We are a big fan of the pizza at the Bistro! the guy that works there is a doll and we are kind of obsessed with him. We also love the Gypsy grill, and their falafel is great.”
A fun fact about Venus and Lizzy? “A lot of people seem to think that we are twins. So the fun fact would be that we aren’t twins! And also that we aren’t bitches. People come up to us and say they thought we would be unfriendly ! so thats another fun fact. We are friendly!!
That was so fun!
Website: Big Hair Girls and Pet Patrol JC
Twitter: bighairgirls
Instagram: bighairgirls
<3 These girls.
Amazing! So happy you covered them! One day a few months ago they complimented a dress I was wearing and it literally made my day. They’re adorable.
I am sooo blessed to know these two remarkable, creative, caring and talented young ladies! Wishing them the very best that the future holds for them, they deserve it.
Thank you lady “A”. I am sure they appreciate that!
I feel like I solved The Davinci Code. I’ve totally been secretly crushing on these two!
haha yeah, they are super sweet…. and soo much hotter in person!
Both Venus and Lizzy are truely kind hearted souls and I will always have respect and adoration for them, and big sister too, for always being themselves and never letting anyone tell them how to live their lives. I genuinely feel honored to have shared some of my life amongst them all and I am blessed to have known them. BTW, you both look so very happy and I am stoked for you. Good music too!
Thanks for telling their story! I have always wondered! :) Downtown would be BORING without them.
Love that you featured these awesome girls! Always wondered about them too :)
It was so fun interviewing them! we are going to have a part two coming soon!
I’ve definitely seen them on the PATH before, and all I could do is admire their amazing coifs. Loved reading more about them.
Thanks so much Emily! stay tuned for another BHG post coming soon!
I have seen them around a couple of times on Grove Street. Of course, the hair was the first thing I noticed (great bods too). I’ve been crushing on them ever since…