The next badass Stylish Peep is Yelitza Nuñez, a twenty-nine year old spit-fire filled with passion and kindness. We met up in the heights near Journal Square, an area that many people would pass by but we wanted something different and edgy. I won’t lie, when I meet stylish peep I’m extremely nervous because of my mental illness but Yelitza was so kind that my nerves just disappeared. It felt natural to shoot her and she was so open to trying anything. Check out her pictures and amazing interview below.
What’s your name & how old are you?
My name is Yelitza Nuñez and I am 29 yrs old.
What are you wearing?
Today I am wearing a white windbreaker from this really cool shop in Paterson, NJ called Blackflag Shoppe. Ive been shopping there for years and They always have the sickest gear. They never disappoint me. A clutch bag from ipsy, a pair of Old Navy jeans and a pair of pink suede sandal heels from Easy Pickins that I found today at a bargain! I always like to say I’m balling on a budget. haha. To me that’s what real fashion means, being able to put an outfit together without spending so much money. If you can find a dope outfit and make it LOOK expensive, you’ve won.
Who/what inspires your style?
To be honest, my mood inspires my style. I can dress extremely chic one day and look like a girly tomboy the next. There are days where i just want to wear heels and a dress, other days I want to be in an oversized tee, jeans, a dad hat and some sneakers. For the most part I’m always in menswear. There is something about men’s fashion that i just LOVE. I think its the fact that I can dress it up with a pair of heels like i did today or I can make my look a bit more causal and wear pair of either sneakers or Timbs. Sometimes ill even wear a over size jacket or an over sized sweater as a dress and rock it with heels. But If i was to name a person, it’ll definitely be Rihanna. Oh yea, definitely Rihanna! In my eyes she does no wrong! Shes probably the only celeb I can compare my fashion too. Sometimes i even think shes watches my IG for inspiration. haha
How long have you lived in Jersey City?
I actually live in North Bergen. We (TCMG) have a studio in Hoboken and we’re always networking with a lot of people that live in JC. So we’re always in the loop with whats going and what events to go to. But we’re actually moving to a new location which is to be announced.
And your favorite Jersey City spot?
Oh man, there’s so much to do in JC! I love going to Ringside for the buckets, you can’t never go wrong with a bucket before a night out. It’s perfect for pre-gaming. But my favorite spot would have to be this small Cuban restaurant on Central Ave called Rumba Cafe. The food is sooooo good and the prices are just as great! LOL Especially their breakfast menu. My stomach and my pockets are full by the time I leave. Haha
What is one piece of advice that you’d give to your younger self?
To really love yourself, because all the money and attention in the world wouldn’t matter if you don’t love and put yourself first.
Any social media links you’d like to give?

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