Hey friends. I think you guys are clued into the fact that I am all about easy outfits. My mornings are pretty fucking insane and I need to get ready fast in order to get to work on time. This is a typical morning.
5:20am I “pop” out of bed
5:25am I chug a liter of water, make coffee , read work emails (those fuckers work all night I swear) , check my social media (god forbid I miss someone liking a pic or post), take a piss…
I am out the door , walking to Krank Systems Jersey City ( yeah , while you are sleeping, I am kicking serious butt)
6:00-7:00am Is usually a blur, it involves a lot of grunting, sweating, burpees and good times (love those guys)
7:00am Run home, shower, get kid out of bed, feed her, change her, make my Vegan Protein Smoothie, chug it, conceiler, eyeliner , red lipstick , play with kid and out the door at 7:50 am.
Needless to say, an easy dress and loafers is my perfect outfit…. and POCKETS oh how I love thee….

favorite outfit thus far, love the shoes!!
Thanks Beth!