A special Stylish Peep post featuring my mom.
The following post has nothing to do with Jersey City, but everything to do with me Lynn aka Chicpea. Fashion has always been a huge part of my life and if you ask me who my biggest fashion inspiration is, I will tell you it’s my mother and always has been. Except for my tomboy days, in that case Rihanna comes in second.
Mom is my Anna Wintour.
Today is my mom’s birthday and she is in Israel right now celebrating with the whole family. I wish I was there to share the moment with her but I am there in spirit, and I am also wearing her Chanel bag specially for today (thanks mom!!).
My mom is so unique and special, and I wanted to share a story to provide some context so you guys understand the type of person she is (she is hysterical and mildly inappropriate)
A few days before my husband and I got married, we had to go to the Rabbi with our parents to sign a “Ktuva” which is sort of like a contract between husband and wife. Anyway, we were at the synagogue sitting with the Rabbi and my in-laws. My mom in a low-cut dress (she is more endowed than I am), turns to the Rabbi and says in a heavy Israeli accent “You know, a woman is like a hurricane… she comes to you all hot and wet and then ends up leaving with your house and your car,” yeah she said “wet” to the Rabbi. It was amazing.
Everyone’s mouths dropped except for my dad’s who was probably preoccupied with looking over the contract and making sure I was getting a good deal. #truestory
I have many stories like this one, and I could probably write a book. So stay tuned for that. #halfkidding
My mom has no filter whatsoever and says whatever comes to her head and she is always the life of the party (does that sound familiar?!). She is the type of person that walks into a room and commands it.
Anyway, growing up I used to always watch my mom get dressed. I would spend hours playing in her closet, trying on her clothes and making a huge mess. She has the best and most unique style and always looks like a million dollars. “Ima” (mom in hebrew) always taught me that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to look good. It’s how you present yourself that matters as well as being confident and of course “standing up straight!”
I borrowed her clothes all the time, and I remember whenever I got something new she would say “I had the exact same outfit in the 70s.” When I was a teenager I would roll my eyes, but now I get so excited seeing her old photos. #twinning
I wish she kept all her old stuff!!
Fashion became something we shared between us growing up and to this day. My sis looks amazing and is a total MILF, but my mom and I joke that she didn’t really get the stylish genes. I LOVE YOU KENDY, YOU’RE HOT PLEASE DON’T BE MAD AT ME.
My mother raised three children, ran a business, made sure the house was clean, and that there was always food on the table (SHE IS THE BEST COOK EVER) while always looking absolutely fabulous. Like she was about to walk a runway. She never missed a beat. If I become half the person she is I will be happy.
During my high school days, I struggled with my identity. I really wanted to wear this vintage fur coat to school but was afraid of being bullied (that’s for another blog post). I remember my mom telling me “You love this coat, you wear it and forget the kids at school. Be yourself and they will eventually come around! Also I paid $100 for it so you better wear it”. This was a lesson I carry to this day. My mother taught me to appreciate my unique style, to never compromise who I am for anyone.
I appreciate her so much and I know I probably should say it more often like all of us should to our parents. So if you are reading this, and are lucky to have parents call them, tell them you love them or if they are close by go and give them a hug.
Mom, I love you so much. I hope you are having an amazing birthday.