Spring is officially here and it’s getting hot in here with this months four local hotties! A few people asked us what it takes to become a Babe of Jersey City! When we select the babes we look for a package deal, outer and inner beauty are important for us at ChicpeaJC.com. So meet April’s babes!! We are LOVING this group.
Want to nominate a local hottie? Email us at Info@chicpeaJC.com.
You ready?
Kaitlin Tufts
Florida native and FSU alumni, Kaitlin Tufts is a professional dancer and fitness instructor at Jane DO located in the heart of Jersey City. When she’s not dancing her a$$ off, she’s either jet setting to the next destination or drinking Casamigos.
1. What do you currently do for a living and what is your dream job?
Professional Dance and Fitness Instructor / Manager at Jane DO!
2. What is your favorite place to hang out or eat in Jersey City?
Favorite place would have to be grabbing margaritas at Orale Mexican Kitchen with the girls! Brunch at Porta is a go to, as well!
3. How does it feel to be nominated as a JC babe?
Honestly a little surprising, but I’ll take it ;)
4. What are 3 random facts about yourself?
Originally from Florida, undercover professional Ikea builder, and can touch my tongue to my nose LOL
5. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done or wanted to do?
In one of my shows, I had actual knives thrown at my head…I lived to tell the tale hehe
6. What do you love most about Jersey City?
I love Jersey City because you can never have the same night twice. Whether you are looking for a high energy night or a low key dinner with the girls, the atmosphere of Jersey City is unbeatable.
Instagram: @kaitlintufts
Jeffrey Johnson
My name is Jeffrey Johnson, I recently moved to the Heights after spending some time downtown in Hamilton Park. I’m a transplant from Montclair, NJ and moved here with my then girlfriend, now wife Jess, in February 2016. I am a full time CrossFit coach and CrossFit program designer for Black House Strength and Conditioning downtown (as well as our affiliate in Hoboken, Brazen Athletics). When I’m not coaching or training for myself I am typically spending time with my wife, our new puppy Ruthie, and my two cats, Quinn and Sansa.
1. What do you currently do for a living and what is your dream job?
Currently, I am a full time CrossFit coach and program designer at Black House Strength and Conditioning. I’d have to say that despite never thinking I’d end up here, this is my dream job. As a former classroom teacher, I truly enjoy to process of teaching and learning, no matter the subject. In my current role, I get to work with Jersey City residents in particular and help them live up to their athletic potential.
2. What is your favorite place to hang out or eat in Jersey City?
I love coffee and 9 Bar downtown has to be one of my favorite places to hang out and do work.
3. How does it feel to be nominated as a JC babe?
It is a pretty cool feeling. I’ve been following you for a while so to be nominated is kind of a big deal! I look forward to putting myself out there, which is something I’ve done a lot of work on lately.
4. What are 3 random facts about yourself?
I have a Master’s in Teaching
I once performed 30 unbroken bar muscle ups
I have read “A Song of Ice and Fire” three times (that’s the book series behind Game of Thrones)
5. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done or wanted to do?
I’m pretty low key, so sad to say I don’t really have many crazy things I’ve done. As far as crazy things I want to do? I’d love to continue to use fitness as a tool to change as many lives as possible and to be a part of a growing trend in the fitness industry that is incentivizing contentment, self-love, and purpose. I think that has the power to truly change the world. Crazy enough?
6. What do you love most about Jersey City?
What I love most about being in JC is the state of flux it is in. I recognize the enormous pressure that has put on long time locals, but I believe that a city that is as diverse as this one will do right by those who have been here longest when all is said and done. As a transplant who lives and works here, I feel like I have a role to play in what this city becomes, that’s a great opportunity.
7. Anything else you want people to know about you?
In 2015 I walked away from my job as a teacher, something I worked towards for years, after coming to terms with the fact that I needed to address my lifelong issues with anxiety and depression. I knew I needed to work on me, something that I believe many of us overlook as we chase external validation. I may not be rich, but I live a full life. I am in love. I have a purpose driven career. I have the freedom to shape the course of my life. None of it would’ve happened if I had been too afraid to listen to myself. Major takeaway from my story? Trust yourself.
Instagram: @jeffreyljohnsonjr | @athleticdasein | @blackhousestrong⠀
Kacey Librizzi
I was born and raised on the enchanting island of Jamaica, but migrated to America as an adolescent with my father. Though the relocation had challenges, some greater than others, it gave me a wider understanding of life, culture and adaptability. I became immersed in the arts and began collecting at the tender age of 16 and dealing at 19. In my spare time, I enjoy meeting with friends, visiting museums, cooking, kayaking and pretty much just being outdoors when the weather allows. Currently, I am on my journey to find balance between discovering then pursuing my existential purpose and enjoying the moments presented before me.
1. What do you currently do for a living and what is your dream job?
I am a private art dealer who works part time as a paralegal. However, I intend to start my own non-profit organization after acquiring more knowledge and experience.
2. What is your favorite place to hang out or eat in Jersey City?
I absolutely love Hamilton Inn. The food is consistently scrumptious and the service warm and pleasant. A great place whether at a table with others or at the bar (where the bartender are actually engaging).
3. How does it feel to be nominated as a JC babe?
I was baffled and ecstatic to be nominated as a JC babe, especially when considering that we live among so many beautiful people.
4. What are 3 random facts about yourself?
I am obsessed with finding and collecting four leaf clovers.
I make backgammon boards.
I find cooking meditative.
5. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done or wanted to do?
Oooh, hahaha. The craziest thing I have ever done was climbing the fire escape of an artist’s building. After not hearing from him in days, I showed up with a huge collector which we had scheduled and also had money from a previous deal. When he didn’t answer, we feared he had overdosed as he had a history of drug abuse. Luckily, he was alive but had in fact been on a “binge” which apparently took priority. I mean, who refuses communication with people giving them money and ask them to come back another time??
6. What do you love most about Jersey City?
I fell in love with the clean tree lined blocks, friendly neighbors and “urban amenities” that limit the need to go to Manhattan.
7. Anything else you want people to know about you?
Nothing I can think of now but if you see me around just say “Heyyyyy” and ask me whatever might come to mind before then. Haha
Instagram: @Iamkaceyann
Jeffrey O’Donnell
I am 36 years old and was born and raised in Cranford, NJ. I recently moved to Jersey City after falling in love with it while bartending at the Keyhole. I am currently enrolled in a Masters for School Counseling at nearby Kean University. I’ve been teaching for more than a decade with some of the most troubled youth in New Jersey, including some from right here in JC. I love sports, I drink beer, I quote movies too much, I’m sarcastic and I love to joke around, so if I make fun of you, that means I like you. Come say hi Friday nights at the Keyhole!!
1. What do you currently do for a living and what is your dream job?
I have been a Special Education Teacher at an all boy’s residential school in Basking Ridge where I run a Work Experience Program. We do volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity, Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Liberty Science Center, among many more. After school is over, I coach a middle school baseball team. Lastly, of course, I am a bartender at the finest dive in town, the Keyhole.
My dream job would be to be on sports talk radio or to be in an announcer’s booth at a ballgame. But I doubt that will ever happen. So, I suppose, once my Master’s in Counseling program is complete, I will be a High School Counselor and coach baseball. Hopefully right here in Jersey City. As long as everyone is petitioning to keep sports in the schools here!!
2. What is your favorite place to hang out or eat in Jersey City?
Favorite place for burgers? Left Bank Burger. Fresh Pies? John’s Pizza. BBQ? Hamilton Pork. Irish food? Dorrian’s. Beers? Well, just about anywhere. But usually Hudson Hall, O’Hara’s, Fox and Crow, Greene Hook, Barcade, and obviously the Keyhole is the best of them all. But everyone who is anyone knows the best place to hang is on the stoop.
3. How does it feel to be nominated as a JC babe?
I honestly cannot put into words how this makes me feel. Ever since I moved here, I only saw myself as a JC Babe in my dreams. Today, it’s a reality and I have never been more flattered in my life. To be mentioned in the same breath as some of the other Jersey City Babes is the highest of honors one can receive. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry! *tear, tear*
4. What are 3 random facts about yourself?
As a long time season ticket holder, I led all of the New York Jets fans in the J-E-T-S chant for an entire game at MetLife Stadium while on the jumbotron.
I am the godfather to my beautiful niece Camryn and to my best friend’s son Tyler.
I’ve been to over 35 Springsteen concerts in my lifetime. All of them were attended with my pops and other family members.
5. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done or wanted to do?
Jumped out of a plane. But one summer I’d like to travel to another part of the world and volunteer in a less fortunate environment. Anyone wanna go?
6. What do you love most about Jersey City?
Honestly, the people. Not to get too cheesy. But, when I moved here, I knew like 5 people. Now I feel like I am part of a community. I love how everyone in this town is friendly and people take care of each other all the time. I have made a lot of really great friends in my time here and have met some truly amazing people. I wish I could call you all out. But the sense of community the city has and the feeling of pride displayed by the locals is truly astonishing. Plus, Y’ALL ARE DAMN GOOD-LOOKING, shit. How ya doin?
7. Anything else you want people to know about you?
I can make you the best damned Lobster Bisque Soup you’ve ever had. Try me.
Great article and diverse mix of people. Kudos for highlighting good people.