Written by Tiffany Grierson
Is it a type of medieval torture or the next best thing to happen to your morning hygiene routine?
I’m here to defend the latter.
Tongue scraping 101
When it comes to overall health and wellness in our western culture, the tongue is a neglected piece of the puzzle. We use it to taste good food and make good love, and that’s about it.
In ancient healing systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the tongue has connections to our internal organs and its appearance (shape, color, coating, texture) is used as an important diagnostic tool.
Tongue scraping is the Ayurvedic practice of using a metal utensil to gently scrape away the layers of bacteria and toxic build up on the surface of the tongue.
While it is a form of self-care, tongue scraping is also a way to check in with your body and decide where to make lifestyle changes or when to seek a professional opinion. If you notice a thick coating on your tongue, for example, this could be the result of poor diet, sluggish digestion, or a gut imbalance.
The good stuff
Now that you know what it is, we can move on to the more important stuff, like why in the world you would devote any precious morning minutes on your tongue.
The potential benefits of a daily tongue scraping practice include:
- reducing stank breath
- restoring the natural color of your tongue
- improving sense of taste
- strengthening the immune system
- supporting better digestion
An excess of bad bacteria in the mouth leads to conditions such as bad breath and tooth decay. By removing this bacteria with a tongue scraper, you can help combat both while also providing a clean surface for your taste buds to function at their peak potential.
Digestion begins in the mouth, and along with clearing the path for your taste buds, scraping also activates salvia production. This combination can help lead to better digestion throughout the day.
Overnight, our digestive system processes everything we consumed the day before and excess toxins that are filtered out end up on the surface of our tongue. When bacteria and toxins are left to build up in the mouth (or anywhere in the body), the immune system is weakened as a result.
We can strengthen our immune system by giving it less work to do, and tongue scraping helps ensure the toxins our body worked so hard to remove are not reabsorbed.
Sold? Here’s how to get started
You can purchase a metal tongue scraper on Amazon or Etsy for under $10. It can be used daily and cleaned with a little bit of gentle soap and water.
It is recommended to scrape your tongue first thing in the morning before brushing your teeth. This is when you’ll have the most noticeable coating, as the most bacteria gathers in the mouth overnight.
You should start with a gentle touch as you get used to the experience. The tongue should be gently scraped from back to front for 7 to 14 strokes and rinsed off after each one. Remember that if this feels uncomfortable, you are likely applying too much pressure.
The most immediate benefit I noticed for myself was how much cleaner my mouth felt. When you see just how much build up is removed with a scraper, you realize that brushing with a toothbrush just isn’t as effective.
I always end my morning oral hygiene ritual by opening my mouth wide in the mirror and sticking my tongue out so I can admire its pretty pink color and clean surface.
The last step is optional but highly recommended.
Happy tongue scraping!
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