A major aspect of a wedding’s beauty is in the flowers that are carefully placed throughout the venue. Plan the perfect arrangement for your special day when you search through some of our recommended florists in the area.
Brennan’s Florist
Based in: Downtown Jersey City, NJ
Website: https://www.brennansflorist.net/
Hudson Flowers
Based in: Hoboken, NJ
Website: https://www.instagram.com/hudsonflowershoboken/
Park and Bloom
Based in: Hoboken, NJ
Website: https://www.parkandbloom.com/
Karma Floral
Based in: Jersey City, NJ
Website: https://www.karmaflowers.com/
Kait Thomson
Based in: Hoboken, NJ
Website: https://www.kaitthomson.com/
Dahlia Floral
Based in: Garfield, NJ
Website: https://dahliaflorals.com/
Made of Leaves
Based in: Jersey City, NJ
Website: https://www.madeofleaves.com/
Bouquets and Baskets
Based in: Jersey City, NJ
Website: https://bouquetsbaskets.net/
A Petal to Peddle
Based in: Jersey City, NJ
Website: https://www.apetaltopeddle.com/
Birch Event Design
Based in: New York, NY
Website: https://birchevents.com/
Mimosa Floral
Based in: Brooklyn, NY
Website: https://www.mimosafloral.com/
Julia Testa
Based in: New York, NY
Website: https://juliatesta.com/
Twisted Willow Flowers
Based in: Columbus, NJ
Website: https://twistedwillowflowers.com/
Based in: Boonton, NJ
Website: https://www.bloomeryflowerstudio.com/

Based in: New York, NY
Website: https://www.instagram.com/unique___k/
RSVP by Anastasia
Based in: Hackensack, NJ
Website: https://www.rsvpbyanastasia.com/
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