Since I started this Journey to Abs column, I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people asking me why I wake up so early in the morning. People ask for advice on how to get to the gym early, want to know why it’s better, and want to know how to stay motivated. I’ve always been a fitness freak, and I’m a huge advocate for exercise because I know how it makes me feel. It helps with energy, it keeps my stress low, and when I don’t work out, I’m a hot mess and I also act like a piece of shit. That’s why I’m excited that I’m currently writing about health and fitness regularly, and I’m hoping to inspire my readers to follow along my journey.
I really believe in order to live the best life, we need to try to be the best versions of ourselves, and health and fitness should be a priority. Your body should be a priority. One thing I don’t compromise, no matter how busy I am, is exercise. It’s like brushing my teeth. In order for me to be able to fit in working out, I do it very early in the morning. Here are my top 11 reasons why you should work out in the morning, and tips to help you get started.
1. Get it over with
Yes, I know the concept of crawling out of bed in the crack of ass to workout is not tempting, but if you do and go, you don’t have to think about it the rest of the day. It’s honestly the best feeling in the world. By the time 9am rolls around you feel like you accomplished already so much.
2. Sets the tone for the rest of the day
If you have a kick ass workout you will have a kick ass day. You feel good about yourself, you work better, you’re in a better mood. When I work out in the morning I walk to work like it’s a runway. I feel strong and ready for my day.
3. Before you’re even awake, the workout is over.
I wake up at 5:30 about 3 times a week to exercise. I get to the gym at 6am and I honestly am still half asleep. I power through my workout and only realize when I am doing burpees that it’s actually 6:30am and yeah… burpees suck. But then it’s over.
4. Gives you energy
This is a fact, a good workout will give you an amazing amount of energy. My motto is “you never regret a workout”
5. Helps you eat healthier
If you workout in the morning, you are morel likely to make healthier food decisions throughout the day. And even if you don’t you have the whole day to burn it off!
6. More time for other things later in the day
By getting your workout in the morning when you get out of work you can do other things! unless you like socializing at the gym (which is totally cool). Also for entrepreneurs or moms like myself working out in the morning gives you more time to spend time with your kid or work more on your business.
7. Gyms usually less crowded
Gym’s and classes are usually so crowded between 6-9pm. Sometimes as a result you don’t event get a good workout. You’re just waiting for people to get off machines, trying to move around people etc. Gyms in the mornings are chill, quiet and you get to workout more efficiently.
8. No distractions
You’re phone will not blow up at 6am, you won’t be getting emails, phone calls etc. It’s the perfect time to workout without getting distracted. After 5pm you are obviously still getting text messages, calls, Instagram notifications etc. Go in the morning.
9. If you do it in the morning, you don’t have the whole day to come up with an excuse not to go
We all know this is true. We wake up in the morning, pack our gym clothes with every intention on hitting the gym. 6pm hits and work friends invite you to dinner and it’s a wrap… or you start feeling tired and sluggish at around 3pm (because you didn’t workout in the morning) so you decide to get takeout and sit on the couch… YOU SEE WHERE I AM GOING WITH THIS.
10. Digestion
Working out in the morning gets your blood flowing, increases your metabolism thus helping in digestion. AKA you will hopefully start pooping regularly if that is an issue.
11. Beautiful skin
Last but not least, when you workout in the morning you will have that natural glow with you throughout the day. Working out and sweating removes toxins from the skin, makes your skin tight! I am 33 and have the skin of a 23 year old and I don’t use crazy cremes. I attribute it to working out and drinking water. Are you sold yet?
So now, how does one get in the habit of working out every morning?
1. Go to the mall and buy a few new cute workout outfits
This always helps me! Whenever I feel like I am in a funk I go to Forever21 or Victoria Secret, they always have great sales on workout clothes so I get one or two new sports bras or pants. I actually get excited to wear them! So get rid of those dingy sweats and get something comfortable that makes you feel cute for your workout (yes this applies to dudes too)
2. Create a fun playlist of new songs or old favorites
The night before your workout, create playlists or download new songs or podcast so you can look forward to listening to it in the morning. If I go for a run I like to choose a random playlist on soundcloud. It’s kind of fun to hear old songs! it’s a fun surprise and helps me run for a longer time.
3. Set your alarm and move your alarm clock a little further away
So yes, you have to actually use a device to wake up. The issue with alarm clocks is the snooze button. Don’t do it. Move the alarm clock far away so you have to actually get up to turn it off. You will be up and less likely to go back to bed. If you’re really not a morning person there are some funky alarm clocks that will literally beat you up if you don’t wake up (exaggerating).
4. Lay out your gym clothes
Have everything laid out on the floor by your bed so when you wake up it’s a quick process and that is your official commitment. It’s very rare that I have clothes laid out and don’t make it to the gym. But when I don’t have them laid out I almost always say “fuck it”. So this step is a must. Make sure your phone is charged, if you need a snack before or coffee make sure it’s all ready.
5. Hire a personal trainer, sign up for a class in advance or find a gym buddy
Sometimes, we need another person to help us stay accountable. Having either a gym partner or a time allocated with a personal trainer makes you less likely to hit the snooze button.
This was really good Lynn, I’m making the shift to morning workouts! I find too often my day gets away from me and I never make it to working out or my yoga mat because things just pile up. Done with that!