Life really does come full circle. As I mentioned in my Chicpea Styles post, the initial idea behind this platform 5 years ago was to focus on lifestyle topics like fashion, food, parenting, and fitness. Then it became everything but, and it focused primarily on Jersey City (which we obviously are continuing to do and thoroughly enjoy). That being said, I get bombarded with fitness and health questions almost on a daily basis because it’s a huge part of my life.
Let’s rewind a little – I’ve always been a gym nut. I started working out when I was around 17 years old. I was so hooked that at around the age of 20, I pursued a personal training and group fitness certificate. I became a personal trainer and even worked at a body building gym for a little while. I started teaching spinning classes and group fitness classes at the YMCA in Montreal. I was obsessed with health and fitness, almost to an unhealthy degree. I’ve written a little about my struggles with diet and food and how I overcame these issues with time.
In the last few years, I’ve gone through an incredible transformation. I am in the best shape of my life; I would say I am in even better shape then I was when I was a trainer. This is all due to having a better relationship with my body and better outlook on food, and also being consistent with my workouts and fitness regimes. Staying on track is not easy and committing to working out a few times a week can be daunting, but it’s important. Exercise is important.
I think the key to staying consistent is finding something physical you like doing so you actually look forward to it. This can be different for many people. The key to not getting bored is to also try something new every once in a while.
In comes FitPea.
I will be reviewing different types of classes, I will be sharing easy at-home workouts you can do with little to no equipment and I’ll be working out with local fit people to get their tips and tricks. It should be be a good time. I’m happy to hear feedback and suggestions!
Let’s get to it, shall we? This month, I am reviewing three local classes, all very different.
I will be using various categories:
- Who/What/Where
- Vomit level –This will be an indication at how challenging the class was.
- Suitable for …
- What to wear/What to bring – no one likes showing up to a class unprepared
- Codes/Discounts
Chris Almazan is the founder of Project Sculpt along with his partners. He’s an OG Babe of JC, as well. I’ve know Chris for a while and he’s been a fitness entrepreneur for almost a decade. His story is incredibly inspiring and he is extremely passionate about what he does. Chris also founded Get Deliciously Fit, which is a meal planning delivery service. Along with partners and coaches Wally D (also a babe), Lindsay A, and Lou Choi this crew will take your body goals to the next level.
Project Sculpt is a high intensity 50 min. workout comprised of body sculpting rep schemes targeting specific muscles blended with heart pumping cardio on the Technogym Skillmills. AKA you’re gonna sweat your ass off.
Washington Ave. in Hoboken. A few blocks away from the PATH train. Depending on the timing, street parking might suck. An Uber/Lyft from Downtown JC is around 8 bucks. If you live in Hoboken, then good for you; go work out, you have no excuses. If you live in JC and want to burn 1000+ calories at the blink of an eye, then it’s worth the trip.
Vomit Level
A solid 4.5. I think this depends on how hard you go. Personally, I give my all when I work out and maybe I want to show off a little, so I go in and then I think, “Oh shit, I’m gonna puke.” This is a feeling I enjoy because I know I am pushing myself. The class is really motivating but it moves quickly, so you have to recover pretty quickly, which adds to the level of intensity. It’s a fucking good workout, combining strength training and cardio, which is like the golden ticket to ab land.
Coach Wally D led the class, he made sure to correct us when are form was wonky, he was very motivating and well really nice to look at (not gonna lie). I felt like a million dollars after class, like I could be on the cover of a health & fitness mag with Wally D without his shirt by my side.
*Lynn, snap out of it.
Suitable for
The class was indeed challenging and I could see a beginner being a little intimidated to try it, but the coaches are really great and helpful. You go at your own pace and level. If you need a breather, you take it. Everyone is so focused on themselves, it’s ok if you’re going at your own pace and level. On the other hand, if you are fit and looking to kick things up, this is a great class to do so. I am writing this two days later and I am sore AF.
What to wear/What to bring
Water, a towel, workout clothes (obvi). You will sweat, so less is actually more, and leave your pride at the fucking door. I got my ass handed to me and I walk around like I’m miss fitness pea.
Mention Chicpea, and get your first class free! You’re welcome.
I used to teach a Hip Hop Dance class for many years at Base Gym and had to give it up about a year ago due to my crazy schedule and growing list of commitments. It was an incredibly sad day. I LOVE dancing so much – not at the club in heels, more like full-blown twerk or running man mode. I met Laura many years ago when she used to take my class and she was a total natural, so I wasn’t surprised when she started teaching her own classes and founded “Laura HipFit” a super fun dance class that will get you sweating but also really feeling yourself. Laura is a local boss bitch and Babe of JC! She is also major #bodygoals
The class is an hour long heart-pumping hip hop/pop dance class. The choreography is challenging, but easy enough to follow along. Laura’s instruction is awesome, her playlist is fantastic, and it’s so much fun!
Laura teaches her classes at The Grassroots Community Center and at JC Barre. Follow her IG for updates on schedules.
Vomit Level
Level 3. Keep in mind I would like to say I am in very good shape, so it takes a lot to get me out of breath. I was definitely sweating my ass off. This is a great cardio workout to add in conjunction with a strength program.
Suitable for
Anyone!! Dance, have fun, twerk it out. There was a very diverse group in my class, all age and all fitness levels. No one is judging or watching what you’re doing, which I love. Men are welcome to take the class, but I didn’t see any. This is also a perfect class for someone who is new to working out and wants to ease into things in a fun way.
What to wear/What to bring
Gym clothes, non-slippery running shoes, water, and a good fucking attitude.
Follow @LauraHipFit for info and classes
Asana Soul Practice was founded by boss babe/yogi guru/the most happy and calm person I’ve ever met, Celeste Cusumano. I’ve been going to their Jersey City studio in the Powerhouse District since they first opened over a year ago.
Asana Soul Practice describes themselves as “a judgment-free yoga and meditation studio where we encourage you to release expectations and embrace yourself. We don’t have mirrors in our studios on purpose (no comparisons, no competition, no judgements). Instead, we have light, and color, and a vibrant community of folks here to welcome and grow with you. Our classes function as a workout of the body and mind, and allow you to set intentions that work best for you.”
It’s yoga, but yoga for everyone. I’ve been to yoga studios where I felt incompetent because of my lack of flexibility, but Asana is a judgement-free zone, the instruction is on point, and I always end up leaving feeling like a new human.
They also offer meditation classes, if you want to get into it. I highly recommend their sound bath meditation. Am I in Thailand right now? or nah?
Asana Soul Practice has a studio in Jersey City and Hoboken.
Vomit Level?
If you’re hungover and go to yoga doing all the downward dogs and inversions, then the vomit level is high. Otherwise, yoga can be challenging, relaxing, heart pumping but that’s all up to you. Their Soul Power class is fast-paced and will definitely be a good sweat session. I usually go for the basic flow classes.
Suitable for
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or newbie, this studio has everything you need! So many benefits to adding yoga to your weekly fitness routines. This is a reminder to myself that I need to go back ASAP cause the stress is REAL.
What to wear/What to bring
Yoga gear, a mat (they also have them in the studio), a towel, and water.
For newcomers, try them out for 2 weeks unlimited for $35.
For more info:
I spotted you last Saturday at Laura’s class, but didn’t want to approach in full on fangirl mode. Suffice to say that I think ChicpeaJC is the bomb! Thanks for giving Laura a shoutout. I too am in the best shape of my life and I’m 52 years young! I was a club kid and love dancing, but can’t handle club hours anymore. Laura’s class lets me shake it, but during reasonable hours.