‘Tis the season to give back! if you’re looking to donate your time and volunteer for some local organizations, here are eight great opportunities to check out this month.
Liberty Humane Society
While on-site volunteer activities have been suspended due to COVID-19, Liberty Humane Society is always looking for volunteers who are willing to foster pets. If you’re interested in being a volunteer, you can apply online and attend an orientation at the shelter. Foster volunteers must be 18+ and have landlord permission.
Website: https://www.libertyhumane.org/
AngelaCARES is always looking for volunteers who are interested in helping seniors or offering services like event promotion or social media communications. You can register to volunteer online and select your areas of interest.
Website: https://www.angelacares.org/
St. Lucy’s Shelter
St. Lucy’s Emergency Shelter is looking for volunteers who are available during the week to prepare brown bag lunches for residents. Sandwiches will be made, wrapped, and delivered by volunteers. Volunteers can apply online through the Catholic Charities volunteer form.
Website: https://www.ccannj.com/st_Lucy.php
Welcome Home Jersey City
Welcome Home has several volunteer opportunities for anyone looking to lend their expertise or their time. You can fill out interest forms for their Fun Club program, translation work, delivery driving, client support, and more on their site.
Website: https://welcomehomerefugees.org/
Dress for Success
If you’re looking to help women as they seek financial independence, Dress for Success is always looking for volunteers to help collect clothing donations and guide women through the interview process. You can sign up on their site to search for local volunteer opportunities.
Website: https://hudsoncounty.dressforsuccess.org/
New City Kids
If you’re looking to get involved with youth programs in Jersey City, New City Kids is looking for volunteers to serve meals, read with children and teens, and tutor students for the SATs. To sign up or learn more information about each volunteering opportunity, visit their site and email volunteerjc@newcitykids.org.
Website: https://newcitykids.org/
Family Promise of Hudson County
Help families when you volunteer with Family Promise. Volunteers will be mentoring and tutoring families, assisting with fundraisers, and providing other key services to help families as they work toward self-sufficiency. You can view volunteer opportunities on their site and contact them directly to sign up.
Website: https://www.familypromisehudsoncountynj.org/
Jersey Cares
With a monthly calendar filled with daily opportunities, Jersey Cares is always looking for volunteers. You can register for a volunteer account online and sign up to help with events throughout New Jersey.
Website: https://www.jerseycares.org/
Rescuing Left Over Cuisine needs volunteers to pick up food & deliver to various shelters in Jersey City & Hoboken. Typically the volunteer would need access to a car.
The coordinator is: Jessyca : jessyca@rescuingleftovercuisine.org