While you’re going in on the spring cleaning, scrubbing every inch of your house and getting rid of clutter, have you thought about cleansing the energy too? Negative energy tends to stick around a cluttered and dirty environment, just like literal filth, it gets stuck to things and brings down your mood. For this reason the first step in any home cleansing ritual is to physically clean the space. So, don’t skip step one. As for the energy? There are several methods to spiritually cleanse and rid your dwelling of negative vibes or entities. If you believe you’re in the presence of a ghost/spirit, these home cleansing rituals can help to politely show them the door.
Behind all these methods of cleansing I am about to share with you is the power of intention. You can combine a couple of them or come up with your own routine. As long as your objective is clear and your attention is focused you’ll obtain the desired results. Even though tools are often used in these methods, remember that it is you who is the vessel of positive light and love.
Spring is the perfect time to do an energy cleansing in your home. This time of year spiritually signifies renewal, new beginnings and the return of light and life. The Spring Equinox is also the Astrological New Year and many cultures and religions today have customs that celebrate this time of year. Of course these rituals can be done at any time of the year, but spring is the time to start.

Smudging is one of the most popular methods of energy cleansing, which consist of burning a bundle of herbs, called a smudge stick. The fan favorite herb to use is sage, which is known to clear out all forms of energy, good or bad. Palo Santo is also another great option, and this wood is typically used for getting rid of the bad vibes only, however other herbs like sweetgrass can also be used in this process.
Before you begin, open all the windows so the negative energy has a place to exit. Light your smudge stick and start in the center of the room. Move counter clockwise throughout the room with the intention of dispelling any unwanted energy. Take extra care in corner and tight spaces because that’s where the negativity hides. Do this throughout the entire house.
Smudge kits will come with a bundle, an abalone shell and a feather. The shell is a tool for catching the ashes and the feather is typically used to spread the smoke, but it’s not essential. These items are typically used to incorporate the four elements in this ceremony; the shell represents water, the herb itself is earth, the burning end fire and the feather is air (which is also represented by the smoke.)
Take this practice one step further and dump out your ashes in the soil outside the home. Alternatively, there are smudge sprays you can use, which are infused with herbs. This is great if you can’t burn anything in your home or walking around with a burning stick makes you anxious.
Sound Cleansing

If you don’t “do” smoke or fire, sound is your next best option. You can do it yourself or turn on an energy cleansing video on YouTube. 417 and 528 Hz are typically used for cleansing homes. For the DIY method there are a couple of tools you can use. You can walk around your home and ring a bell. Again, with the intention of clearing out negative energy. Or invest in a Tibetan sound bowl, also referred to as a singing bowl. The idea is that the vibrations the sound creates clears out negative energies the same way smoke does from burning sage or other herbs. You can walk around the room while using the bowl or sit in the center. Again, open the windows so the bad vibes have somewhere to flea.

Words are powerful tools, and simply announcing your intention as you walk around the house will also work. For extra umph walk around in a counterclockwise motion as this direction is thought to banish, block and release. If you’re unsure of what to say, you can always Google affirmations. Of course, this method could be combined with any of the others.

Practices like yoga and tai chi use movement to relieve stress, decrease anxiety, improve depression and so much more. Movement has a profound effect on the mind, body and soul, so the same theory applies to your space. Of course the power behind any ritual is intention, so if you move around your home with the objective of dispelling and repelling the negative energy, you’ll do just that! Put on some music and just vibe— groove and move in anyway you feel called to.
Strategically Place Crystals Around the Home

When it comes to energy cleansing crystals there are several varieties. The first worth mentioning is black tourmaline, which is believed to provide protection, as it blocks out negative energy and never needs to be cleansed. It’s a popular practice to place black tourmaline by entry ways or electronics that emit EMF waves. Selenite is thought to bring positive energy to the space and is typically placed by windowsills so that it can absorb and usher in the light. Amethyst has been known to promote calmness and protection, so place this one in the middle of the room. Other varieties of crystals for space cleansing include smokey quartz, clear quartz and onyx.
Don’t Forget About Protection
Crystals can be used to both cleanse and protect your home. Other ways to protect the energy or vibe in your home is through an amulet, symbol or statue. This can be an evil eye ornament, a cross, wreath or statue of a deity, angel/saint you believe will provide protection. All of these are meant to block negative energy and keep the home space scared. More often than not your item should be placed by the main entryway or whatever entrance you use to enter and exit. Think of it as a “checkpoint” as you come in and out, cleansing you from the day and blessing you with a safe return as you leave.
Actually Black tourmaline should be cleaned more frequently than any other Crystal because it absorbs the most energy. I encourage clients to clean them at least twice a day. However, if you have a selenite stone nearby (either beside the tourmaline or on the same bracelet), it can act as a self cleanser for the tourmaline since to selenite never needs to be clean and does not absorb energy.
I have an elderly couple next-door, like the sweet harmless couple from the movie “Rosemary’s Baby” they are actually by personality, the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. Together they make a very formidable dark insidious energy. I avoid them like the medieval plague. Unfortunately, by design, our homes are literally attached to theirs. I sometimes have incense sticks of white sage burning in my garden. Every time I burn these incense sticks I noticed large crows, or magpies gathering around the trees or on the roof. I need some strong magic to protect me.