The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the layers of clothes are slowly coming off, and with that comes new beginnings and a time to reassess our lives. We spring clean our homes; clean out our closets, throw out shit we don’t need, get rid of things we no longer use. But what about our lives? What about spring cleaning everything that no longer serves us? That needs to whither away with the winter months. I am doing this now and have to tell you, it’s life changing.
10 Steps to Spring Clean Your Life
1. Take out the garbage. Literally.
I think out of everything, this is the most important one.
It’s a great time to re-evaluate relationships and say goodbye to anyone causing you more turmoil than peace. Some relationships are worth fighting for while others you need to just throw to the curb. Regardless of history, time, or closeness, there are some people that bring out the worst in us. Identify those people and bid your adieu. If you want to be happy and move forward in your future, you need to find people that are on the same wavelength and won’t hold you back. This is a lesson I’ve had to learn time and time again. Keep your circle small. Quality over quantity.
Something very interesting to think about is how do you feel around certain people in your life? Do you feel emotionally drained after an interaction? Or do you feel great? Energies are super important and you need to surround yourself with people who make you feel uplifted and not the other way around.
When it comes to business and entrepreneurship, surround yourself with people more successful than you, this will only help you grow. Surrounding yourself with small-minds who don’t want to hustle or work hard won’t help you succeed. Spring is a great time to re-evaluate personal and business relationships. Your net worth IS your network.
2. Unfollow Social Media Accounts
We spend hours every day scouring our social media feeds, and what you see on a daily basis has a great impact on your well being, productivity and overall mood. If you follow people that do not inspire you, aren’t your loved ones, do not provide valuable information or content you like or have any sort of positive impact on your life, then unfollow. Focus on following accounts that are beneficial to you and your life. Social Media is actually very bad for our emotional health, constantly comparing our own lives to others impeccable feeds. Try to keep this in perspective, don’t compare yourself to a curated feed. If an account doesn’t make you feel good, unfollow.
3. Unsubscribe to Junk Mail
This is a given. There are ways you can easily unsubscribe to mail, so just do it. I just used Unroll.Me and unsubscribed to over 400 subscriptions!! That’s a lot of junk!!
4. Make a massive to do list of short term and long term goals
Do a brain dump. I think this is something we need to do regularly. Write everything down, even things that might seem crazy or unattainable, like winning an Oscar. Just write it all down. Putting it out on paper, goals and things you want to accomplish is the first step in accomplishing them. You really never know. Also this will help clear your head. Sometimes we feel like we have so much to do, but once you put it on paper, you see that it’s not so bad.
Now, that first thing you wrote? Do it. Then once that’s done, find two tasks on that list that will take 5 minutes or less. See? You’re already getting shit done.
5. Clean out your computer and phone
Declutter your technology, delete old files, emails etc. Clean your desktop so it’s organized. Move all your images and content to an external hard drive. Having too much on your computer or phone slows it down! Delete all those unused selfies and your ex-bf/gf pics while you’re at it.
6. Schedule a personal care day
We all get so caught up with life that sometimes we forget to care for ourselves. It’s so important to take some time for ourselves and do something that will make us feel better/healthier etc. Schedule a full day, or half a day if you can to sleep, Netflix, get a massage, get your nails done, workout.. whatever it is you need to do to feel good. Schedule it in advance. It will only make you happier and better in all aspects of your life.
7. Get rid of clothes and items that no longer fit you
Not to get all “Marie Kondo” on you guys, but if it doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it. Why keep things that no longer fit or you haven’t worn in over a year? This was the hardest thing for me to do, since I essentially hoarded my clothes, but recently gave away 4 large trash bags of clothes and shoes that just weren’t me. I felt so good getting rid of it.
8. Throw out anything in your fridge or pantry you haven’t touched in a while
Part of spring cleaning your life is also spring cleaning your home. Get rid of shit you don’t need. Sage your place, light candles. Be romantic with your home.
9. Call/Make Plans with friends or family that really are there for you
My father once told me, “When you die, on your tombstone it doesn’t say how much money you made, or what your job title was, it says that you left behind family or children.” Relationships are important and sometimes when we get lost in our own lives, we forget to call or see the very people that love us for us. So call mom, tell her you love her, call your childhood friend and meet them for lunch. Whenever I am with people who I love unconditionally, it fills my soul.
10.Reclaim your inner peace
Any guilt, fear, or stress you hold in your heart, eliminate it. Meditate, talk to someone, and love yourself.
Happy May.
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