The moon has captivated mankind since the dawn of time. It is the only celestial body in our solar system that truly belongs to planet Earth. Humans and the moon have a special connection. For centuries civilizations have looked to this mystical luminary for keeping time, agriculture and tracking tides. In modern times working with the moon has taken a different route: Manifestation
If you were to observe the moon every night for 29.5 days, you’ll notice its distinct 8 phase cycle. Each phase lasts for just under four days. When it comes to manifesting with the moon the primary focus is always on the new and full moon stages —But every phase of the moon is an integral part of the cycle. Working with the entirety of the lunar cycle aids in the manifestation process, creates a solid foundation and acts as a timestamp that reminds us to stay on track with our goals.
Grab a pen and your journal… because you’re going to need it!

While new moons are all about fresh starts and new beginnings. This first stage of a larger cycle is synonymous with setting intentions, goals or simply defining what you wish to achieve. This is when the seed (your manifestation) gets planted. Energy levels are often low during this phase, so it is usually best to rest and take it easy— After your intentions have been set, of course! Be sure to invite fresh and positive vibes in any way you feel called to. This is really about setting the tone for a new cycle.
At this phase the moon and the sun are in a conjunction. In Astrology this is the strongest alignment two celestial bodies can make. The luminaries (the sun and moon) are deeply connected to who we are. When they combine forces each month, it heightens our personal power. This is the reason why new moons are especially great for manifesting. Even though the new moon can’t be seen in the sky, there is a lot of cosmic potential behind it.
Activities for the New Moon:
- Write a list of your desired manifestations, including as much detail as possible.
- Speak this list out loud. Words are powerful tools, and the Universe operates on vibrations. Doing this simply reiterates what you are calling in.
- Burn an intention candle, anoint with herbs or oils of your choosing. It’s common practice to let the candle burn until the end. However, you should never leave a candle unattended (for fire safety reasons, obviously.) Personally, I like to use tea-tree candles since they burn fast!
- Take a relaxing bath to renew your energy.

As a sliver of moon starts to appear in the sky, the energy picks up. This is a good time to really define your intentions, digging a little deeper and asking, “Why?” Find the underlying reason for your desire, which will bring you to a deeper level of self-awareness while motivating you to go for it. Get a jump start and take at least one step towards your goal, but the real action happens in the next phase.
Activities for the Waxing Crescent Phase:
- Go back to the list of intentions you made during the new moon and write out your reasons for wanting to manifest them.
- Gentle movement practices like tai chi or yoga.
- Take the first step towards your intention! Calling in a new job? Edit your resume. Is love what you desire? Download a dating app.

Now that the moon is a quarter way through, get real about what it will take to achieve your goal by drawing out a plan of action. It’s likely you’ll encounter some sort of obstacle or need to make a tough decision, but it’s really all about stepping out of your comfort zone and making the necessary moves. This is the “doing” stage of the cycle as energy levels are increasing.
Activities for the First Quarter Moon:
- Write down a detailed step by step action plan. This plan should include any perceived obstacles, and a way to overcome/work around them.
- Take one more step towards your goal.
- Fast-paced exercises like dancing and running.

This is a pivot point that may call for some revision to your action plan. Ask yourself if the steps you’ve laid out truly line up with reality. More importantly, you should open yourself up to receiving. What would it feel like to obtain what you desire? Try to stimulate those emotions within yourself and the immediate environment, and really feel it with all your being.
Activities for the Waxing Gibbous Phase:
- Revise your plan of action. Make the necessary adjustments.
- Write a journal entry as if you’ve already achieved your desire and you’re reflecting on the experience.
- Create a vision/mood board or do a visual meditation.

The peak of the cycle! Energy is off the charts leading to activation and culmination. It is an optimal time to express gratitude for everything you have and what is to come. In Astrology the moon represents our emotional self, and feelings are heightened during a full moon. It is also important to remember that during this phase the moon is in opposition to the Sun, and this alignment always calls for some sort of balancing act.
Full moons can bring us great insight and clarity, especially when it comes to what is no longer serving us. This is where release comes into play, so we can do away with whatever is standing between ourselves and the desired outcome. On a grander scale, the full moon is the close of a larger sixth month cycle, which is why full moons are also associated with endings. Both achievements and cord-cutting happen during full moons.
Activities for the Full Moon:
- Express gratitude by writing down all that you are thankful for.
- “Moon Bathing” i.e., spending some time outside soaking up the moon’s vibes.
- Charge any crystals that may help with your intentions under the moonlight.
- Make moon water. This luminary is deeply connected with the element of water. So leave a jug outside on the night of the full moon, just like crystals, the water will be charged with the la Luna’s energy. What you do with the moon water is totally up to you. Some popular options are drinking it, adding it to a bath or watering your plants.

At this phase we should be facing any limitations that we place on ourselves, everything from fear to limiting beliefs. By further exploring these darker parts of our psyche, which hold us back from believing we are worthy of success. It’s all about clearing space within, and a time to set some clear boundaries with both ourselves and others.
Activities for the Waning Gibbous Phase:
- Reflective journaling that focuses on your “shadow self.”
- Hikes or nature walks to help ground your energy,
- Cleansing rituals, like smudging (with sage or other herbs) or sound baths.

It is now time to create a fertile environment for the next cycle, and like the first quarter moon this is an action phase. Release blocks by consciously shifting limiting behaviors or beliefs in a positive manner. Focus on how you can turn past failures and perceived weaknesses into strengths. During this phase we are typically a little more detail oriented, so get organized.
Activities for the Last Quarter Moon:
- Write a list of perceived weaknesses or setbacks, and how these might be beneficial to you.
- Banishing or cord-cutting rituals (from the people or circumstances that are energy-draining.)
- Create a contract with yourself to do away with bad habits.

The final phase of the moon should be used for rest and relaxation. Surrender and trust that the Universe is working in your favor. When manifesting, there needs to be an element of detachment. Let go of all expectations and hold space for what you desire.
Activities for the Waning Crescent Phase:
- Spend time at home or in solitude.
- Deep clean your space then spend the rest of the day/night resting.
- Breathwork and meditation.
- Get plenty of sleep.
Cycles within Cycles
Reaching a goal in a month’s time is unrealistic (although it can be done.) When manifesting with the moon it’s important to remember that the new moon is not only the start of a one-month cycle but lays the groundwork for the next six months. For example, the next new moon is in Aries on April 1, 2022 which starts a cycle that ends with the full moon in Aries on October 9, 2022.
Happy Manifesting!
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