On May 8th, 2014, ChicpeaJC went live. I really had no expectations, looking back on my first few posts it was clear that I had no clue where this was going. As time went on, and I met new people, discovered new places, ChicpeaJC morphed into what it is today. A journey of discovering Jersey City in all it’s “awesomeness”.

The other day I met with a photographer from the city who shoots street looks for a Canadian magazine (post coming soon) and he told me that he checked out my blog and is planning to come for a visit. He said to me “I really didn’t know Jersey City was so cool….” which is really great to hear! Cause it is cool, and I think we all should appreciate it, whether we live here or across the river. Bringing awareness to all the great facets of this city is the driving force behind this blog.

A moment of honesty….
I always believe in being completely open and honest so here goes…. This blog has been the most amazing journey, but the transition from full-time corporate life to free-lance work has been extremely difficult. My brain is constantly working, I am always thinking about my next post, or what my next move is.

People forget I am also a mom and a wife with responsibilities. This blog is not a just a hobby, it is my full-time job! I am at a point where I get emails and calls everyday from people and business owners asking me to write about them, promote their business or event etc… and unfortunately I can no longer do it for free. That is why I am offering paid sponsored posts, this allows me to continue doing what I am doing and at the same time help local business’s that need to get their name out there. I am all about being fully transparent and that is why I wanted all my readers to know about this new feature on my site.
A moment of truth….
I am so fortunate that ChicpeaJC has become successful in such a short period of time, I attribute this success to perseverance, consistency and good old luck. The truth of the matter is the success of chicpeaJC has become some sort of an unhealthy obsession and my personal life has taken a backseat. As I sit here and reflect on the last 6 months, I realize I need to take a step back and try to live in the moment. Things will happen in their own time, Rome was not built-in one day!

I am truly appreciative of everyone’s support, especially the people close to me. As I know I can be a HUGE pain in the ass. I am also appreciative of the people who aren’t too thrilled with my existence, you are motivating me to keep going and keep trying and one day you will have no choice but to accept me. I am not going anywhere.
Again, I am so thankful for everyone’s love and support, to all of you that read my page, share my posts and give me a “like” I truly appreciate it!!
Now that I got all that off my chest! For this milestone day I would like to share my favorite posts, and your favorite posts (according to google analytics). If you have a favorite you would like to mention please comment below!!
Your Favorites!
Favorite Stylish Peeps
I’ve had many stylish peeps but it is probably no surprise to you that most viewed “Stylish Peep” post goes to my girls Venus and Lizzy of the Big Hair Girls! This was actually one of my first interviews… I remember meeting them at the park in the beginning of summer to interview them and now we are great friends! We even had two follow-up photo shoots and are working on a third one! #staytuned.
Favorite Restaurant Posts
White Star Bar; This one is actually surprising because this post was written at the beginning of my blogging life and it’s really not my best work! The pics are dark, and I wrote maybe 4 things…I guess you guys like your beer and burgers! I think it’s time for a White Star bar post part deux.
Favorite Eats Post
Grandma Downtown almost blew up my website! But honestly I get it, who wouldn’t want to know the story of a hot young thing who bakes yummy breads? I literally dream about her buns, I mean breads…. on a daily basis.
Favorite Art Post
660 Studios is celebrating this week their 12th year, and this art post was my most viewed one on ChicpeaJC! It was so fun going there and meeting all the different artists who work out of here and seeing this incredible space.
Favorite “Fun” Post
The All About Downtown Street Fair takes first place on my most viewed “fun” post. Which makes me sad because I wasn’t even the one who covered this one! Great job Kyra!!
Favorite Music Post
Chris Zurich; singer/songwriter and 660 Studios citizen tops the list! His voice is killer and he is a hottie! I always joke that if he wore a suit he would be Jersey City’s Justin Timberlake.
Favorite Fashion Post
Faded Royalty, a street wear brand from the Heights was your favorite fashion post! I have a feeling some famous rap artist re-tweeted my post because something went down a few days after I posted this! I wonder who did it?!
My Favorites
Most Memorable Post
My most memorable post was definitely the one dedicated to Engine 9 “Pride of the fourth battalion”. Spending the day with heroes and getting to know them was definitely an amazing experience. I interviewed them the day before 9/11, and scrambled to get the post ready in time. It was a long night but it was my most rewarding and emotional post.
Most Interesting
Pop artist Hulbert Waldroup wins the cake for this one. Not only is he an extremely interesting person with an amazing story but he also lives on a sick boat!! If you haven’t read this post please do, coolest s–t ever!! Like how do I even find these people?!
Favorite Fashion Post
It’s no secret that I am obsessed with Another Man’s Treasure, so naturally dedicating almost two weeks to this shop was a given! I still look through all the amazing fashions of that week and swoon! I need an excuse for another AMT week theme… if you guys have any let me know!
Most Fun
Besides the two fun parties I was involved in, the most fun post goes to ModCup….Spending the day there, getting coffee wasted was such a blast. Thanks to them I’ve become the biggest coffee snob! The close second was definitely my interview with Bobby Black, Editor of High Times magazine and I don’t think I need to tell you why….
Personal Favorite Post
My Virile Barbershop post is a personal favorite. I got to step out of my comfort zone and transform into a dapper man. It was so fun! I also loved getting to know Adam the owner and the rest of the barbers.
Favorite Stylish Peep
This one is impossible because I really loved all of them equally… but I do have to give my girl Jennifer Schwartz a shout out. She was my first female “stylish peep” and she was such a trooper! I caught her on the path train at 8am and she was so cool about it. We are now friends and she comes to my hip hop class every week!
This post got me all nostalgic, it’s weird that it’s been only 6 months!! In this time I managed to write 183 Posts, considered a “Hudson Celebrity” according to the Jersey Journal, helped plan two awesome parties: Hip Hop Dance party and 80’s Halloween Prom, led a flashmob, was painted by legendary artist Robert Piersanti, was part of the #jcmakeityours campaign (none of the pictures I was in were selected though), and had a nice shout out in the digest. I think it’s time for a vacation!!
To the next 6 months!
Hi Chicpea!!!! I have really enjoyed following your blog and Instagram. I am a Jersey City native and have lived here all my life and am proud of the attention it’s finally getting! I admire your story of how you quit the corporate life to follow your heart. I am finishing up my masters in marketing and have wanted to pursue social media marketing and PR, I am also an artist, I do not know the first thing about blogs though, ironically I have one called Ginniebee I had to make for class, but in order to build a portforlio I know I will need to make a real one! Haha Any advice would be great!!!! Good luck with your next 6 months and more!!! Great work!!!!
Hi Lynn! Just perusing your site, enjoying it immensely, and thinking of the day you told me you were leaving corporate America. This is awesome and I’m so excited for you living out your dreams!