Answer the following questions:
- Do you want to feel like a million dollars?
- Do you want to stay full until lunch time?
- Do you want clear skin?
- Do you want to feel energized for the day?
- Do you like pooping on a regular basis?
We all know Breakfast is THE most important meal of the day.
Why you ask?
Well not to get all Jillian Michaels on you, but after a good night of sleep your body is literally starving and you need to put fuel in that tank to get going. If you don’t your metabolism slows down and you will pay for it later on. Anyway, google that shit.
For years I ate various “healthy” breakfast options such as oatmeal, egg whites, greek yogurt etc but would find myself starving to death by 10:30am. I would sit in my cube just thinking of when it would be that time I can go in the kitchen and eat my ginormous salad.
Anyway, 9 Months ago I dropped my load and bought a Vitamix, this was the best 595 dollars I have ever spent. I started concocting (why does this word sound so dirty?!) various smoothies…. I came up with the recipe below. Its easy and has some amazing ingredients that are super foods, they will legit make you fly, or poop your brains out… whichever you prefer.
This recipe is 100% Vegan, gluten free, soy free, cruelty free… but it definitely isn’t free!!! buy this shit on amazon , stay away from “Whole Foods” aka “Whole Wallet”…. I am telling you this shake is really really tasty! Enjoy!
The Elixir of Youth- Vegan Smoothie
- One scoop of Vegan Protein (I used Vega)
- 1 Cup of Almond Milk
- A Handful of Kale or Spinach
- One Organic Pear washed and sliced
- 1 Tbsp of Chia Seeds
- 1 Tbsp of Raw Cocoa Powder (please do not use one of those nestle ones, this is not a hot cocoa!!)
- 1 Tbsp of Coconut Oil
- 1 Tsp of Spirulina

In your high powered blender first add the almond milk, then add kale, pear, chia seeds, cocoa, coconut oil and spirulina. Add a large cup of ice cubs and turn that shit on!! Poor in a tall glass and enjoy! this makes about a serving and a half.

What’s in this? and Why is it good for you?
When I embarked on this 80% Vegan diet journey I read at least 10 books on the subject. One in particular was “Superfoods: The food and medicine of the future” written by Davide Wolfe a plant based diet “Guru” with really amazing curls…. This book is all about foods that can literally change the way you feel , look , sleep and most importantly… you guessed it… POOP. Friends, pooping is healthy and don’t be scared of it. The american diet seriously lacks fiber and our gut needs it! The list below describes the benefits of adding these few ingredients into your morning shake.
Raw Cacao
- Cacao contains the highest concentration of antioxidants
- Antioxidants protect us from illnesses and age related health conditions (FU Botox!)
- Number one source of magnesium which supports your heart, your brain and strong “peristalsis” which means POOP. Magnesium relaxes muscles, increases flexibility…. yada yada. Convinced yet?
- Cacao is high in Iron which is a critical mineral in nutrition it keeps your blood healthy and fights anemia
- There are other minerals in nutrients in raw cacao that I won’t get into… but I do want to mention it contains Anandamide which is known as “the bliss” chemical.
- We all know eating cacao makes you feel good, so add a TBSP or even 2 to your shake in the morning.
Chia Seeds
One TBSP of Chia Seeds contains 4g of Fiber and 2g of Protein AND Omega 3’s. BOOM
- Rumor has it you can live off of Spirulina alone for a while as it has an array of amazing stuff in it.
- To all you Protein/Paleo junkies who eat 200 grams of protein a day, why don’t you replace one of those cutlets with some spirulina in your shake.
- Spirulina is a COMPLETE protein source and contains all 8 essential amino acids. If you do that for just one meal you will give your digestive system a much needed siesta. Spirulina unlike animal foods is a pure raw source of protein!! Even Arnold would approve.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is the bomb!!!! Don’t be fooled by the calorie content. Rumor has it , coconut oil converts into energy immediately. There are soooo many benefits that I am too lazy to list them out. One TBSP in your shake is all you need.
I can’t wait to try this!
Since I cannot use Chia seeds, I will try flax instead. Should have somewhat same benefits …