As stated in my “about me” I am a wannabe vegan. I was not able to make the full switch to a full plant based diet because a)I love sushi, b) I am a jew and jews love their lox and c) the smell of burgers every once in a while makes me a little moist (tmi)
That being said, I try to eat a plant based diet 80% of the time. When I eliminated dairy, meats, and processed shit from my intake…. shit got real (literally and figuratively).
I scoured the net for recipes, I needed something I could eat on a daily basis that was versatile and good for lazy people like myself…. I noticed that the same concept applied to all recipes , there needs to be the following beans, beans and more beans ( I told you shit got real!!).
I make a large batch almost every Sunday, I eat half of it while I make it like its fucking cake batter and then make the rest into patties to freeze. I pop these suckers in my mouth like Miley pops molly. #Twerk
Veggie Burgers for Dummies
1. Can of black beans rinsed
2. Can of Kidney beans rinses
3. 1 Cup of cooked Adzuki beans (see package for cooking instructions)
4. One or two large onions chopped
5. One large sweet potato
6. One cup of Quinoa (see package for cooking instructions)
7. SPICESSS (any kind you have on hand)

Step 1:
Stab the sweet potato with a fork and microwave that shit till its nice and soft
Cool it, peel it, chop it and place it in a bowl
Step 2:
Rinse the beans. Also fyi- any canned beans works, so whatever you have on hand, use it. BE CREATIVE
Step 3:
Caramelize the chopped onions in olive oil till they are nice and golden, I honestly think this makes the burgers extremely tasty! don’t skip this part.

Step 4:
Add the everything to the bowl: beans, adzuki beans, onions, and quinoa

Step 5:
Spice that shit up!! I use a secret spice called “Aba Spice” , Aba means Dad in hebrew. Its a spice my dad makes and no one has a fucking clue what he puts in it. All I know is that there is cumin, garlic, salt, pepper and some other shit. So do put whatever spices you like, and douse that shit or else the burgers will just taste like mashed up beans….

Step 6:
With a potato masher , mash it up, put some wrist into it!!

Step 7:
Taste it, if it tastes bland add some more spices
Step 8:
Put it in the fridge for a few hours ( I don’t know why I do this , but it makes it better, don’t ask)
Step 9:
Form it into patties , spray a non stick pan with coconut spray (if your trying to be healthy) and fry that shit up.
Note: I love these so much that while I make them I eat them Raw, they are fantastic. Also I give these to my toddler and she seems to like them! She doesn’t throw them on the floor which is a great sign.
You can eat these like burgers in between buns, you can add sliced avocado on top or even make a yummy tahini sauce to drizzle.
This whole batch should be good for a week , unless you are like me and eat half of it while making them.
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