Woah. What a weekend! It’s Sunday night and I am passing out on my couch. I totally refuse to shut down until I recap this amazing weekend!! So Friday night was JC Friday’s which I usually am so adamant to cover; I was ready to go, cute outfit and “Rosy” in tow and then heard my bed calling my name. I decided to sit this one out, I knew I would need the energy to take on a weekend filled with shopping, eats and hanging with my fellow Jersey City peeps. JC art world please forgive me?
So…This is my third time covering a Jersey City Project event; Earth, Eats and now Market! For this one I wore 3 hats (figuratively and literally) as I was a shopper, blogger and also a vendor, helping out the peeps at Damaged Wear sell our “Retro Powerhouse” shirt.
Day 1
I arrived to the scene around 10:30 to help Damaged Wear set up shop.
Actually that’s a lie, I dropped off my stuff, folded a t-shirt and walked to the other tent to modcup to purchase my crack; a latte.
Ok! Now I am ready.
First stop was my pal Sean of MBS (Made by Sean) who designs amazing hats. How amazing is his winter collection?! Yes I bought one… if you follow my blog you know about my hat fetish! Don’t Judge.
Studio 134 has the dopest home goods, we actually bought a lamp for our bedroom! I guess that’s two for two? talk about shopping local!
Hazel Baby located in the Hamilton Park area is one of my favorite stores in Jersey City, they have really great stuff for kids. I always get the “Jersey City” shirts as a gift for other local kids. I think Mia needs this “Jersey City Superstar” shirt.! I wonder if they make adult sizes too?!
Dylan The Jeweler!! Where is the smiley face emoji with the hearts when you need one? The bling on this table was so intense I needed sunglasses. Not even exaggerating! I have a personal goal, once I reach it I am getting my hands on one of these babies.
Every time I see Taproot Organics I always mistake their soaps for chocolates, they look so good I just want to eat them… maybe I should, since I have such a potty mouth!
I love Outer Limits Hot Sauce! I always see them at various markets and they are so nice, not to mention their Hot Sauce is FIRE. Going in and coming out. #tmi
Turnstyle Art; I’ve been following this rad chick/artists on Instagram for a while and her art is DOPE! She is also a total babe!
Of course I need to give a shout out to the most Bad Ass Thrift Shop in Jersey City! E.Tittlemouse & Co. The owners; Napoleon and Belinda are so awesome, I just love them, and that’s all I have to say about that!
I am obsessed with Another Man’s Treasure. I realize it’s unhealthy at this point but I can’t help it! I was actually very proud of myself for not buying the whole booth… I ended up finding a beautiful red cocktail ring. Can’t wait to wear it! Meika looked gorgeous as usual! Love her style.
Nightingale Projects makes the cutest cards! You can really tell that their products are made with a lot of love.
It was so fun to also be a vendor at the Jersey City Project Market. Our booth was actually right by the entrance and there was a speaker right above us. It was really fun! We danced all over, it was great.
I was also so excited about all the people who came to show their support and purchased a ChicpeaJC & Damaged wear shirt that was designed by artist Pat Massett! Portions of the proceeds go to the JC Youth Foundation! Thanks friends!
Yay!! I was thrilled to see all the support! Thanks Jersey City friends!! It means the world!
If I ever have a drinking problem I am blaming the awesome people at Hamilton Inn…. they hooked it up yet again, with good booze, hot bartenders and even wagyu hot dogs! I tried the Eggnog and the Apple Cider Bellini.
The first day was so glutinous I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. My 2 pack is now a no pack… I digress. It was sooo worth it!! First stop was Mia’s favorite food spot; Cocoa Bakery… we got her a Vanilla cupcake for lunch (nutritious, I know) she ate half of it and I sneaked in a few bites. I had to! it’s for the blog!
Now I was ready to eat. Hubby and I headed over to the Livestock booth; I got a Butternut squash soup with bacon bits and he got chicken hearts on a stick… IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. There was a party in my mouth…like a full on disco ball, glow sticks, people tripping on hallucinogens kind of party.
Ate it all, got thirsty and crossed over to Lizzmonade for a refreshing lemonade. Yumm!
Now I was just getting started. It was time to eat a dish inspired by me (not true) ; a Curry Chickpea bread from Grandma Downtown. Yumm. Yumm. Ready to eat more.
I took a little shopping break and then I felt like I needed a top off; it was a cold rainy day so I ordered a veggie noodle soup from Arhi’s Kitchen and…. THE NOODLES MELTED IN MY MOUTH, it was so good! I can’t wait till they open.
No I am not done! I was stuffed at this point but I needed something sweet. I needed some Milk, Sugar and Love!
Eats Day 2
You guys will just think after this post that I only feed my toddler cookies all day… it’s true for the most part! I am happy when she is eating… Parents, am I right?! This time we hit up WHOS GLUTEN FREE and got her a healthy breakfast treat. Mia actually refused to share it!!
I ended up having a normal lunch outside the market…. that being said I kept some room in my belly for Sugar Supply. I tried a cake pop, all I know it had bacon. I can’t really describe to you what happened when I ate this, I feel as thought it might be too graphic… but DAMN. I went somewhere else for a minute. I think my facial expression says it all.
HAHAHA. I’m done.
I couldn’t eat anymore but had to go see my girl Michelle from Busy Bee Organics. Her booth was on fire!
Stylish Peeps
So much style happening!

It was an amazing event! Everyone involved did an incredible job. It was so nice seeing the community come together to shop and eat local while also spending time with friends and neighbors. I am so thankful that I got to be a part of it.
Until next time!
Love this! Felt like I was there! :o)
Great wrap up! I loved the market too, especially the eggnog from Hamilton Inn and peppermint chocolate ice cream from Milk Sugar Love. Excellent shopping too. I live here in JC and write about shopping around the world but have yet to write about my own neighborhood– I need to get on that!