Calling all artists! This year marks the 27th annual Jersey City Art & Studio Tour , taking place October 14 and 15. ChicpeaJC is taking part in the JCAST this year, and we’re looking for some art to display!

Rachel Kehoe
Our theme is #SendNudes. It’s all about the idea of sexuality and self-love in the modern world.

Our bodies are becoming more accepted for what they are while there is simultaneously almost an unattainable body type being pushed in social media. #SendNudes is all about anyone’s interpretation of nudity. It’s not about sex. It’s about self-acceptance, body positivity, self-love, and how social media plays a role in how we view ourselves.

Opening night of #SendNudes will be Thursday, October 12th and our headquarters will be open all weekend for the Studio Tour.
All mediums are being accepted. Submit your work by September 30th at to be considered!
Hi Lynn, i’m just following up with you about my submission that I sent you about a month ago of the girls with the bunny heads on. You asked that I send a description and what my inspiration was this shoot. I hope you receive it yet and if not please let me know and I can resend it. I’m actually going to be in New York in October. I would love to see my work as part of the exhibit. And one of the models in the shot will be joining me also. Thanks so much.