Jersey City has become a melting pot for New Jersey musicians. Everywhere you look there is a new up and coming band calling our city their home and Born Cages is no exception. These 3 New Jersey natives are taking full advantage of JC’s proximity to NYC in hopes to catch their break in the big city. They do say if you can make it there you can make it anywhere….well Sinatra said that but let’s be honest, that means it’s the truth.
What are your names and what do you do in the band?
Vlad: I’m Vlad I sing and play guitar.
Dave: I’m Dave I play drums.
Matt: and I’m Matt and I play bass and the synthesizer.
How would you guys describe your sound and what are some of your influences?
I think our Twitter bio is currently something like synth driven indie rock with guitar solos so that’s a good layman’s explanation of the sound. As far as influences I don’t know, a lot of different types of music and a lot of different types of everything really.
What are some bands you guys are jamming now?
V: Personally I haven’t been listening to anything I’ve liked in a very long time. I haven’t found anything it’s a bit depressing.
Yeah I know how that goes
V: I’m not saying I’m not a fan of contemporary music by any means but I just haven’t found anything in a while and I’m starting to get scared haha.
M: True for me too I think the last Vampire Weekend record that came out was the last thing that really moved me.
V: I agree the production on the last Vaccines record but it didn’t have as much longevity as the older ones did.
I see you guys have some shows booked you guys have any other plans to write, record etc?
V: We’re playing a bit, sticking around home so we can write a bunch too. We’re unofficially writing for the 2nd album and hoping to get a lot of stuff done so we can get back on the road by summer time.
Where do all you guys live?
M: I live in Journal Square and I love it.
V: I live in Jersey City by Hamilton Park.
D: I live in a small town called Maywood, New Jersey
I feel like Jersey City is starting to attract a ton of musicians that are really trying to do big things with their art what do you think is attracting all these musicians to move to Jersey City?
M: I think it’s a city away from the city and it’s a little more affordable.
V: It’s a lot more affordable, I think that’s what it is.
M: It’s still urban enough to be interesting I guess, I mean it’s a great city.
V: I think it’s the next Brooklyn, hopefully it doesn’t get just as expensive but it is getting there. Right now it’s a good time to be living here Manhattan and a lot of Brooklyn is just way too expensive for musicians and artists to live and that sucks but its why a lot of people are moving out. We don’t come from families that pay our rent in Williamsburg so we have to do it on our own.
M: Wouldn’t that be nice.
Haha yeah seriously
V: That’s fine though. I feel like we have a thicker skin because of it and because Jersey City is a great place to be right now.
M: Great place to raise a family.
V: Or a band family haha.
I feel like there is a certain type of person that’s been moving down here. Like you were saying you don’t meet a lot of people that are riding off of mommy and daddy’s dime.
M: Because they wouldn’t be living here if they were.
Exactly they’d be moving to Manhattan or Brooklyn or wherever. You get a different breed, more of a working class musician type. All the bands I’ve met throughout Jersey City have the work ethic to get themselves out there and really give it a shot without expecting anything.
V: You need that you need to have a community of musicians and artists and it’s really hard to find a spot that can allow for that with rent being so high everywhere. I mean I lucked out I have a sick apartment right by Hamilton park when I mean sick I don’t mean SICK but I have a great sized apartment for what I’m paying and I’m in a really nice neighborhood.
Do you see any ways the city can improve to attract more of a music culture?
V: I think venues.
M: Yeah definitely venues.
V: We need venues now, we needed venues so long ago.
M: That new White Eagle joint is supposed to be opening up and The Citizen is booking shows which are cool but we need more of those. I wish Porta threw shows in the basement that would be cool.
Where do you guys like to hang out?
M: We love Hamilton Inn.
V: Yeah Hamilton Inn is great especially on Wednesday nights when drinks are reasonable; Lucky 7s is the first place I ever went to in Jersey City I wasn’t living here at the time and I met a friend and had a crazy night.
Sounds about right haha
M: Those are kind of like polar opposites, Hamilton Inn isn’t totally our scene but sometimes we can afford it and it makes you feel really good haha.
V: Foods great too.
M: Lucky 7s is like where we go.
V: As divey as you can get which is cool. I kind of like that speakeasy underneath that restaurant on Newark.
M: Talde?
V: Not that one it’s a different one, it’s newer I forget what it’s called.
Dullboy on Grove?
V: Not Dullboy its on Newark you go downstairs and there’s pool and stuff.
South house
V: Yeah that place!
M: South House has a downstairs?
Yeah they have like fuckin shuffle board and other games and shit.
V: And it has free pool which is cool for me.
Do you guys have anything else you want to add before we wrap up?
M: Follow our socials.
V: Yeah follow our socials because this day in age there’s a lot that happens on very short notice and that’s the quickest way to find out what we’re up too. If we release new music or are playing shows or going on tour tomorrow Instagram, Facebook, Twitter; all of that stuff is @borncages.
Cool thanks for your time guys.
Twitter/Instagram: @BornCages
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