Justice For George, Justice for Breonna, Justice for Ahmaud and countless innocent black people who have been murdered by white people. Enough is enough! I have a platform and my duty is to inform – no, actually SCREAM about what the fuck is going on.
Imagine being in constant danger because of the color of your skin.
If you are white, you can’t imagine it because that’s not something you’ve ever had to deal with. Let’s talk about it.
White privilege changes our experience of the world compared to how others experience it. The fact of the matter is, all human beings should feel safe. So what can we do? Educate ourselves, speak up, stand up, fight for justice, educate others, and teach our children.
Our wonderful editor Alexandria put together a list of resources for all of us to DO BETTER.
Anti-Racism Resources
The Anti-Racism Resources document was created by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein. The resources include parenting tips to raise anti-racist children, articles to read, and other media materials to help educate yourself and others. Organizations to follow on social media are also highlighted. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, this is a great way to begin.
Anti-racism Resource Guide
Tasha Ryals put together a detailed anti-racism resource guide that includes suggested pre-reading, how to start your journey, and the several different studies and subjects that touch upon the human experience of BIPOC. If you want a detailed look at the literature, videos, and podcasts available, this is a great guide.
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hpub-jkm9cLzJWqZSsETqbE6tZ13Q0UbQz–vQ2avEc/
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
In this Medium article, Corinne Shutack highlights the several things white people can do for racial justice including local actions, donation pages for anti-white supremacy work, ways to contact legislators, and educational books/movies.
Link: https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/what-white-people-can-do-for-racial-justice-f2d18b0e0234
11 Terms You Should Know to Better Understand Structural Racism
The Aspen Institute posted a list of terms and their meanings to help people further understand structural racism and racial equity. This is a great way to introduce yourself to the meanings behind terms like “institutional racism” and “systemic racism.”
Link: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/blog-posts/structural-racism-definition/
Rachel Ricketts’ Anti-Racism Resources
Whether you’re looking to understand whiteness or want to explore the racism behind spirituality and wellness, Rachel Ricketts’ guide offers articles, podcasts, and more helpful resources listed by category.
Link: https://www.rachelricketts.com/antiracism-resources
A Guide to White Privilege
Want something brief and easy to share? No problem – Courtney Ahn Design put together an Instagram post as a guide to White Privilege. It explains White Privilege and what you can do with it.
Thank you for this compilation. This summer and quarantine period, I will dedicate my time to truly educate myself.