- Today, New Jersey has reported 68,824 total cases. The total statewide fatalities is 2,805.
- There are currently 8,185 hospitalizations connected to COVID-19. 2,051 require critical/intensive care. 514 residents have been discharged over the past few days.
- Hudson County currently has 8,242 cases.
- As of last night, Jersey City has 2,674 cases.
- New Jersey received 100,000 medical masks from the Government of Taiwan. Another 200,000 masks are expected.
- More than 50,000 jobs are available on covid19.nj.gov.
- Recovered COVID-19 patients can donate plasma at Christ Hospital.
If you have been diagnosed Covid-19 positive and symptom free for 14 days call Christ Hospital to become a donor.
For Christ Hospital (Jersey City), call:
201-795-8298or email:
covidplasmachrist@carepointhealth.org— Steven Fulop (@StevenFulop) April 14, 2020
- Murphy will be signing a bill to allow employees forced to care for family members due to COVID-19 up to 12 weeks of family leave in a 24-month period without losing their jobs.
- The Department of Health have found 240 qualified professionals to help in long-term care facilities.
- Over 10,600 out-of-state healthcare professionals are offering telehealth services to NJ residents.
- Through the JC Relief efforts, meals from Jimmy John’s were sent to York Street Project for all 54 of their residents.
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National + International
- The United States currently has over 584,000 cases. Over 44,000 individuals have recovered.
- A director in the CDC has said the US is currently nearing the peak.
- New York Governor Cuomo believes they are currently at their apex.
- New York City is purchasing 50,000 coronavirus testing kits per week from Aria Diagnostics.
- Italian police fined over 42,000 people for breaking restrictions during Easter weekend.
- Cuba sent a second group of medical workers to Italy and staying in Piedmont for as long as they’re needed.
- 589 sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt tested positive for COVID-19. Four have been hospitalized.
- Governor Cuomo addressed the future reopening of the state as a “phased process” starting with the expansion of essential services.
- Scientists predict the US may have to keep intermittent social distancing measures until 2022.
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