Content Creators Academy, a free after-school program for middle and high school students throughout Jersey City, is now accepting applications for its 2019-2020 school year. The nonprofit provides learning and resources for young individuals interested in the creative and digital media space with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Two years ago, we launched CCAJC as a way to give something back to this incredible community and provide a unique learning experience for youth. We noticed there weren’t many opportunities for students interested in business and digital design, either in their schools or as after-school programs. We wanted to build something that connected them with local businesses so that they could learn first-hand from professionals and also feel like they were an active part of the growth happening across the city.
Last year, we were able to bring in class mentors across a wide range of industries to work with students. From food to fashion to finance to professional sports and more, students gained valuable insight into running a business—and in working as part of a team to create digital content for those businesses.
At CCAJC, we tailor our class projects to incorporate the interests of students. We keep class sizes small so that each student gets hands on experience working in collaboration with fellow students, their teachers, and mentors. Students learn photography, graphic design, writing for the web, and videography in creative projects seen through a professional lens. For example, they learn graphic design by designing logos and marketing strategies for companies they create in class. And last year’s final project saw students collaborating with local musicians to develop, shoot, and edit music videos.
CCAJC offers fun, engaging professional training for students and allows them to build a portfolio of design work which they can use in college and job applications. The program is free for students. Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm in downtown Jersey City beginning in October. You can learn more about CCAJC and apply for the program at Space is limited, so register soon!
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