A positive story we all need, about communities in Jersey City coming together for the youth. A story of hope and love and a better future for our neighborhoods.
I had the pleasure of getting to know Nyquazah a few months ago when she just opened her Creative Arts Center in the Greenville neighborhood in Jersey City. I’ve been following her journey every since, little does she know I am one of her biggest fans.
Nyquazah does so much for the kids and the community, her hustle is on another level. I always tell her she needs to run for Mayor because she makes things happen and she is in it for the right reasons. Qua is one of the few people that I know who really and truly cares about the community, I really love this woman. A queen.
When she texted me on Friday telling me to be somewhere on Saturday at 11am, for something historic, life changing, no questions asked I said “I will be there”. For me to agree to cover an event on my only weekend off means that I would do whatever Nyquazah asked me to do. She has my endless support.
That day, I called her and asked her “Ok so what am I covering?”
“Something that needs to happen, a call for peace between JC communities, for the youth. They said we couldn’t make it happen but we are…”
At 11am, I arrived to Liberty State Park and witnessed something so powerful and beautiful and I am so beyond thankful that I was trusted to cover this event. Just watch in full if you can. Grab a box of tissues while you’re at it. And a huge huge applause to Nyquazah for putting this together. Some people talk the talk, she walks the walk.
This is powerful. Please keep covering this group of people. And have they given their group a name? They need a name.
Proud of all of you my brother kings and sister queens.. #myhometownJC #BookerT
You got this, God all ready working…he see you, hear you and is always for you!
Love for Jersey City💜✊