The 9/11 commemoration of the 14th Anniversary of Sept. 11 attacks took place this morning at 8:20am. As I walked down Grand avenue, I caught this image that is worth a thousand words…. The view of the Freedom tower in between two Jersey City Fire trucks and the American flag with the Mayor standing right in front taking a picture.
The Mayor mentioned to me that he noticed that every year the crowd gets lighter, that as time goes on less people come to the commemoration. “Maybe people are forgetting?” I said. I didn’t really know the answer but judging from my social media feed this morning no one has forgotten, for some it is as if it was just yesterday.
The ceremony was lovely. It started out with a procession of the JCFD and JCPD playing the bag pipes, and then there were speeches from John Guarini and Gary Nye who are both chairman on the 9/11 committee of Jersey City.
The music was absolutely lovely and when singer Arnold Valentino sung “Imagine” by John Lennon I was on the verge of tears and so were many others in the crowd.
Mayor Fulop said a few words as well as Senator Menendez and then they released the freedom wreath into the hudson river (I missed the shot as I was entrenched in the whole ceremony).
At the end of the Ceremony, after looking around me at all the people in the crowd; the citizens of Jersey City, firefighters, police officers, members of the press, politicians… I realized that in this one moment, we can all come together and remember. We will always remember.
special one