When it comes to the current coronavirus, a big takeaway is that it mainly affects people over 60 and immunocompromised individuals. While this is enough to make healthy people in their 20s and 30s think it’s all smooth sailing for them, it’s important to remember that there is a possibility we may pass germs to people who are more vulnerable to getting sick. A lot of cases for COVID-19 are mild, meaning they don’t require a hospital stay and could even show no symptoms, so we may be spreading this without even knowing it.
In order to prevent an exponential spread of the virus, here are 5 things you can do for yourself and others.
For the best advice and accurate information, please visit the World Health Organization website.
Wash your hands
This is a given. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Grab some soap and water, thoroughly wash those hands and wrists, and dry them off. In a pinch, use some hand sanitizer until you have the chance to wash your hands.
Limit travel
A lot of cases are being diagnosed as the days go on. Countries like Italy and Iran have seen their number of cases go well into the thousands, and the US has nearly a thousand cases with many more being diagnosed. To prevent both spreading and getting the coronavirus, limit your travel to other states and countries.
Have supplies ready at home
The current recommendation is to stock up on two weeks’ worth of food and household items. Anything you enjoy eating on a daily basis, from proteins to little snacks, are ideal to keep at home in case you decide to work from home or have to self-quarantine. You can also pick up items you might need around the house in those two weeks like soap and toilet paper. If you can, try to get refills on your prescriptions so you’ll have a continuous supply and won’t have to worry about running out.
Stay home if you are sick, or if you’re part of the high-risk group
If you’re not feeling well, even if it’s not the coronavirus, please stay home. Being sick can make you vulnerable to developing another illness, or you can be spreading an illness to other people who may be immunocompromised.
Individuals at a higher risk to get coronavirus or experience complications include:
Those with chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or lung disease
Those with respiratory diseases like asthma or emphysema
Older adults, especially those over 60
Disinfect + clean your home and belongings
Now is probably a good time to get ahead on spring cleaning. Unfortunately, we don’t know how long the virus may live on surfaces; sweep, mop, wipe down, disinfect your whole home just to ensure it’s clean.
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