Before you come at me with pitchforks and fire torches, I should say and I repeat: “I am NOT the Mom of the Year.” If you have read any of my other articles, you would already know that. We tell our kids to “use your words” so it’s only fitting that I use mine. And as it turns out, in my adult life these are the words that I enjoy the most. These words enrich my life, make me and others laugh and generally help express myself.
I can’t fucking help it!
For the record, I don’t run around like a truck driver spewing curse words like a devil, but I won’t apologize for dropping the occasional f-bomb. Believe it or not, I am an adult, I pushed a watermelon out of a pea, so I’ve earned that right….BOOM!
Here are a few reasons why Moms who curse in my opinion make the best Moms.
- Stress relief anyone? Let it out, we all need to! Don’t be that sweater-around-your-neck wearing Mom WHO is always worried about what people think of them or their parenting style. I am able to fully express my emotions and don’t give a flying shit what anyone thinks.
- Don’t take life so seriously! For fucks sake parenting can be really fucking hard. Throwing around a few choice words makes me less inclined to act out in other ways! There is nothing a few well-placed “fucks” can’t cure! Now that my kids are no longer babies, I can honestly say shit passes so you just need to laugh your way through it.
- I am extremely open minded and non-judgy. Last time I checked, we all put our pants on the same way, right? I want my kids to be empathetic, tolerant, and nonjudgmental. If and when they come across a judgy person, “fuck off” is a perfectly acceptable response.
- They are engaging and fun. I’m pretty sure that I write and tell it like it is all the time. For this reason I am always the person you want to go to a bar with! But at the same time we are brash and protect our kids fearlessly. Don’t fuck with my kid, I will come at you with my sharp tongue.
- I will always give it to my kids straight. Always. No sugar, coating no bullshit. Teaching that feelings are real, and it’s ok to express them. If I really love something, I really fucking love it!
I love my kids and I want to protect them, but they are going to hear these words, granted they are not nice words but the world is not nice so get used to it!
I want to talk to my kids not at them, and I feel that teaching them these words and to use them properly is a sign of respect not disrespect. I am much more concerned about the words: “hate,” “fat,” or “stupid.” People throw those words around much more in my opinion and they are more hurtful then saying the word shit.
I am learning to pick my battles as a parent, and I think there are more important things to worry about so if you don’t like it you can f%@# off!
Fuck yeah!