Out with the old, in with the new.
2018 was one of the hardest years of my life, yet most rewarding both professionally and personally. This year, my whole universe went upside down.
This blog is mostly about Jersey City and the cool (and sometimes not-so-cool) things that are going on around us. But it’s also in some ways about me, Chicpea, a JC resident, a mom, a creative who started this website as a hobby and made it into a local resource that was needed at the time. I am not the only one who does this, but I take pride on having a unique voice and approach which some people love and some people HATE. And that’s okay. I am still here. I am still standing.
ChicpeaJC is not only about Jersey City, but it’s about my journey as a creative entrepreneur, and the relationships I’ve cultivated along the way.
Another thing I take pride in is being honest with my readers about this journey. Especially in the modern day world of digital media where influencers will paint this perfectly curated life and showcase their lives as being picturesque, which is far from the truth.
This whole year, if you followed me on social media, I kept my shit together because I had to. There is a saying, “The show must go on,” but really, my whole life was falling apart behind the scenes.
In December of 2017, my husband and I separated. After being together for 11 years, building a life together, and having a child, we decided it was no longer working. Now, I do not wish to really talk about the details of our relationship because this is not the point of this blog post and I have nothing but love and respect for him, and he is the best dad to my little one….but going through a separation and a divorce is the most gut wrenching thing I’ve ever been through. And having to go through all that while also living a very public life was pretty awful. I never felt more alone in my life.
I didn’t get a chance to grieve. I couldn’t stay in bed for a few days and watch rom coms and eat ice cream because I had a business to run and an image of “Happy Chicpea” to portray. It was brutal. Not to mention, I had to show up for my little girl. I had to keep it together for her. My mental health suffered greatly, and I am still picking up the pieces.
On January 1st, I had to let go of my office space. In the midst of my personal turmoil, I had to make a decision to leave my amazing loft/studio space “ChicpeaHQ” because I could no longer afford it. The landlords raised our rent and, after only twelve months in the space, we had to leave. I spent thousands of dollars buying studio equipment, furniture, etc. and thought that I would be here for many years running the blog, our non-profit CCAJC, throwing community events, and more. We even had a ribbon cutting with the mayor, which was one of the most proud moments of my life… All those dreams were cut in such a short time span.
In a very public post, I painted over a mural that the incredible Sue Works painted for us – a mural of my idol, the late and great Notorious B.I.G – with the words “It Was All A Dream” before we had to move out of the space.
On New Year’s Eve, I prayed that the next year things would be better. But instead, things kept unraveling. My business and blog weren’t doing so great, we lost money from events, lost a big client to an agency in New York. I was dealing with online trolls, constant hate and harassment from strangers and unfortunately some people I know.
I lost friends, like best friends, people I would have never expected are out of my life.
I fell in-love with someone over the summer to only experience another heartbreak a few months later, and then a lot of back and forth “on and off” that happens when you have a hard time letting go of someone and no matter the issues, you keep holding on to those “happy” feelings, even though it just isn’t working.
So many heartbreaks over a short span of time.
I also did things I am not proud of, I’ve made many mistakes myself, said things I shouldn’t have, and surely not blaming others for the things that happened to me. All I know is that I did the best I could with the cards I was dealt. And I’ve learned many lessons that I know will make me a better person.
No matter what happened, I tried to stay positive. Every day I woke up and thought about the things that I was grateful for – my beautiful daughter, my family in Israel that were watching over me, my team and friends who had my back, my community of entrepreneur friends that supported me. My health. I would wake up and say, Lynn, you’re fucking alive. You’re gonna be just fine. Keep going.
Everything was broken. But it all happened for a reason. I realize now that all these things that happened to me, all these losses in my life, were to clear out what wasn’t serving me and my future… to give me a fresh start. A new beginning. A new life filled with love and clarity. An opportunity to build a life that I really want, need and deserve.
I learned so much this year, about myself, who I want to be, and who I want to surround myself with and I’ve never felt stronger and more self aware than I do now.
And since then, things have been so much better, my business has picked up, opportunities are flowing in, I’ve made new amazing connections with strong powerful women that uplift me and motivate me to keep pushing. I’ve grown closer to my daughter and feel our connection has become much stronger in the last few months. I am falling in love with myself again, the person that I am. I am excited about waking up in the morning again.
And maybe when the time comes, I will find love. The right kind of love.
I also forgive. I forgive and am letting go of all the hurt and pain this year has brought me. I embrace it because it all needed to happen. I really believe I am on the right path and so much stronger because of it. Whatever life will bring me, I am ready for it.
I never really believed in the whole New Year’s Resolution hype of “new year, new me” because I think if you want to set goals and make changes, you should start NOW! With that being said, there’s something nice about closing a chapter, leaving what doesn’t serve you behind and looking forward to a new beginning, a new start.
I am writing this in hopes that maybe someone reading this who has gone through anything similar can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep your head up. Stay positive and hold on to the people that are really there for you.
You got this.
Happy New Year, my friends. Thank you for allowing me to be me. I love you all.
Signing off,
Wow I relate to this so much! I found your blog because I’m in the midst of moving to Jersey City during my divorce. I also got my heart broken by a guy who was not good for me recently, and am still coming to terms with cutting myself off from him. It’s reassuring that I’m not the only one dealing with this stuff.
I am so impressed by you. You’re truly inspiring. It’s nice to see that other moms are in the same struggle of keeping their shit together. We can’t fall for the highlight reels on Instagram, so this was definitely refreshing to read. Thank you!
A must read for all those going into the new year. It’s important we share these amazing accomplishments and huge losses for others to see they are not alone. I applaud your honestly.
Great post! Thank you for sharing!
Please believe that you are definitely a strong woman. I continue to admire you and all the wonderful work you do but now knowing the struggles you have faced this year just proves that you are definitely strong. I only wish you all the best that 2019 can bring to you Lynn.
I believe you are right where you are supposed to be. Anything that has been removed from your life is so something better, with greater purpose can replace it.
You’re hard work and dedication will continue to bless you and at the very least, keep you above water until the next big thing happens!
Happy New Year Chicpea!
Changes only happen because we grow… Thank you so much Lynn for opening your heart and sharing your story. You have so much going for you! Much love and light to you dear. Happy New Year!
Tell me what you see … I see pride! I see power! I see a bad ass mother who won’t take no crap off of nobody. Tell me again… what do you see .. I see pride !!, I see power!! , I see a bad ass mother who won’t take no crap off of nobody!!!
Ok, so if you haven’t seen cool runnings that might be lost on you… but I look at you and see nothing but someone who is a bad ass rocking f-ing mother who seriously doesn’t need to take crap off of nobody.
I walked out of a 14 year marriage recently and I concur .. divorce is the ugliest mother there is . But i believe -Everything happens for a reason. – People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate when they’re right, you believe lies so eventually you’ll learn to know how to recognize the truth and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together . Be strong in the face of adversity – there is nothing in this world stronger than a woman climbing her way up from rock bottom :)
Great post. I wish you all the best.
Happy New Year!!
Let the haters hate, it is what they do. Keep focusing on you and your dreams and everything will be okay, take it from another entrepreneur who likes to dream. Keep being amazing.
Cheers to 2019!!
Let the haters hate and the trolls troll, they are just miserable people trying to bring you down. You keep fighting and the good people will keep reading and following.
Cheers to 2019!!
Thanks for sharing. Social media is a complicated thing. Everything has to look picture perfect and it’s generally never actually like that. I find myself exhausted by the constant need to produce content and keep up. It’s improtant to have recharge time and I hope that writing all of this was cathartic. You’re inspiring af and your batshit passion will lead you to success, sometimes it’s a bumpy road, and sometimes it’s like a mine field. Here’s to a kick ass year(s)of building and growing exponentially. Stay fabulous🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Thanks for being inspiring woman!
I’m not in your demographic–I’m 72–but I love Jersey City–marking 20 years here this year–and love your blog. I need to tell you how brave you are to post truthfully. So many women are under such pressure to have perfect everything–husbands (no such animal as a perfect husband–great ones, yes, but not perfect ones) children, homes, meal prep, creative life, no money problems, no doubts, just certainty and perfection.
To me, certainty and perfection is only “dead and in heaven.” I couldn’t have borne the pressure you and your generation faces on social media and with public shaming about mothering and child-rearing. My hat’s off to you! Wonderful things will come your way because of your honesty and authenticity. Best in 2019–look to new adventures.
Amazing and so relatable. Thank you for keeping it real,Being so vulnerable and always inspiring. Happy new year to you and cheers to hopes for a better year.